Worksheet on Articles for Class 8

Questions on Articles and It's Types - Class 8

Fill in the blanks:

1. _____ covert operation was meticulously planned and executed, with agents operating discreetly to gather intelligence without attracting any attention.

a) The
b) A
c) An
d) no article required

Answer: a)

2. In ______ inverted pyramid style of writing, _____ most important information is presented at _____ beginning of ____ article, followed by supporting details in descending order of significance.

a) the, the, the, the
b) a, an, a, an
c) an, an, an, an
d) a, a, a, a

Answer: a)

3. _____ group attempted to subvert ________ oppressive regime by spreading awareness and advocating for change through peaceful protests and civil disobedience.

a) A, a
b) An, an
c) The, the
d) A, a

Answer: c)

4. ________ time taken to complete a task is inversely proportional to ______ number of people working on it; as ____ number of workers decreases, _____ time required increases accordingly.

a) A, a, a, a
b) An, an, an, an
c) No article, no article, no article 
d) The, the, the, the

Answer: d)

5. _______ bizarre sight of ______ penguin waddling through ______ desert left the travellers utterly bewildered, as it was ______ entirely unexpected and unusual occurrence in such _____ climate.

a) The, a, the, an, a
b) A, an, an, the
c) a, the, no article, no article
d) an, a, no article, the

Answer: a)

6. Genetics plays _____ pivotal role in determining various inherited traits, from eye color to susceptibility to certain diseases, shaping ______ characteristics passed down from one generation to ______ next.

a) an, a, an
b) the, the, the
c) a, the, the
d) the, a, a

Answer: b)

7. ______ majestic mountain range stood tall, its snow-capped peaks glistening in ______ sunlight, evoking ____ sense of awe and grandeur in all who beheld its beauty.

a) A, a, a
b) An, no article, no article
c) The, the, a 
d) An, a, the

Answer: c)

8. ______ sudden downpour drenched ______ city streets within minutes, causing streams of water to rush down _______ gutters and momentarily disrupting the bustling urban life.

a) A, an, the
b) An, a, the
c) The, the, the
d) A, no article, no article

Answer: c)

9. ______ grand hall was adorned with opulent decorations fit for royalty, as ____ king and queen entered, greeted by ______ dignitaries in ______ display of utmost reverence and respect.

a) An, a, a, a
b) No article, a, no article
c) The, no article, no article, a
d) The, the, the, a

Answer: d)

10. After realising _____ severity of his actions, he embarked on ____ journey of penance, seeking redemption through self-imposed hardships and acts of contrition to atone for his past mistakes.

a) the, a
b) an, an
c) a, a
d) the, no article

Answer: a)

11. Fill the blanks with suitable articles.

A: What's wrong?
B: I have _____ bad headache. I have been looking for help ______ from the morning. I found none in _______ hostel room. (CREST 2021-22)

a) a, the, a 
b) a, no article, the
c) an, a, the 
d) the, no article, no article

Answer: b)

12. During _____ summer vacation, we visited _____ ancient castle in _____ heart of _____ English countryside.

a) the, an, the, the
b) a, a, the, an
c) the, the, the, the
d) a, an, the, the

Answer: a) 

13. _____ scientist who discovered _____ cure for _____ disease was awarded _____ Nobel Prize.

a) The, the, the, a
b) A, a, a, the
c) The, a, the, the
d) The, the, a, the

Answer: c) 

14. After _____ long and tiring journey, they finally reached _____ top of _____ mountain, where they enjoyed _____ breathtaking view.

a) a, a, the, the
b) the, the, the, a
c) a, the, the, a
d) the, a, a, the

Answer: c) 

15. Complete the given sentence with the most appropriate set of articles: 

________ name "sugar glider" refers to its predilection for sugary foods such as sap and nectar and its ability to glide through ______ air, much like ______ flying squirrel. (CREST 2022-23)

a) The, a, a 
b) A, an, the 
c) The, the, a 
d) An, a, an

Answer: c)

16. _____ new policy introduced by _____ government aims to improve _____ quality of education in _____ rural areas.

a) The, a, the, the
b) A, the, the, the
c) A, a, the, the
d) The, the, a, a

Answer: b) 

17. _____ invention of _____ internet has revolutionized _____ way we communicate and access _____ information.

a) An, the, a, the
b) The, the, the, the
c) The, an, the, the
d) An, an, the, the

Answer: b) 

18. She gave _____ inspiring speech about _____ importance of perseverance and hard work in achieving _____ one's goals.

a) a, the, the
b) an, the, no article
c) a, an, one's
d) the, an, the

Answer: b) 

19. _____ development of _____ new technology has made _____ significant impact on _____ global economy.

a) The, a, the, the
b) A, the, a, the
c) The, the, the, a
d) An, the, a, a

Answer: a) 

20. _____ university professor conducted _____ series of experiments to test _____ hypothesis about _____ effects of climate change.

a) A, a, a, the
b) An, the, the, the
c) The, a, the, an
d) A, a, the, the

Answer: d) 

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