Worksheet on Collocation for Class 8

Questions on Collocation and Its Types - Class 8

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

1. The mountainous terrain became _________ accessible to the outsiders due to the efforts of the tribals.

a) barely
b) easily
c) genuinely
d) gravely

Answer: b)

2. She ________ pondered over the consequences of her decision.

a) freakingly
b) deeply
c) highly
d) mildly

Answer: b)

3. The conference was postponed ________ following the demise of the convenor.

a) indefinitely
b) concurrently
c) merely
d) solely

Answer: a)

4. We have __________ registered our newly formed cooperative society.

a) manually
b) formally
c) critically
d) rarely

Answer: b)

5. She is a ________ combination of beauty with brains.

a) rare
b) humble
c) fumble
d) feeble

Answer: a)

6. In any analysis of Shakespearean tragedies, a _____________ is the inevitable clash between the protagonist's fatal flaw and the challenges presented by the external world, leading to their tragic downfall.

a) basic premise
b) nominal reason
c) futuristic evaluation
d) lousy explanation

Answer: a)

7. Jim always showed ___________ concern for others.

a) reasonable
b) hastily
c) minutely
d) genuine

Answer: d)

8. The adoption of digital technology in the classroom marked a _______________ in education, transforming traditional teaching methods and creating new opportunities for interactive and personalised learning experiences.

a) fundamental change 
b) rudimentary significance
c) pulmonary reason
d) rotary evolution

Answer: a)

9. The education minister emphasised on __________ changes to be introduced in the education system.

a) grievance
b) frantical
c) nominal
d) fundamental 

Answer: d)

10. Despite the pressure of delivering a speech in front of a large audience, Paula exhibited ______________ poise, standing tall and speaking with confidence, captivating everyone with her composed demeanour.

a) natural 
b) predictable 
c) baneful
d) suburban

Answer: a)

11. The _______________ of the orchestra filled the concert hall, enchanting the audience with its harmonious melodies.

a) aroma
b) resonance
c) turbulence
d) stagnation

Answer: b) 

12. Mr Smith provided ______________ feedback to the students, helping them understand their mistakes and improve their performance.

a) constructive
b) reluctant
c) perfunctory
d) frugal

Answer: a) 

13. The company's ______________ expansion into new markets boosted its revenue significantly over the past year.

a) precipitous
b) tentative
c) rampant
d) clandestine

Answer: c) 

14. Scarlet's ______________ enthusiasm for learning inspired her classmates to engage more actively in their studies.

a) fervent
b) dissonant
c) clandestine
d) oblique

Answer: a) 

15. Despite facing numerous obstacles, Jimmy remained ______________ in his pursuit of his dreams, never giving up on his goals.

a) tenacious
b) sporadic
c) ostentatious
d) innocuous

Answer: a) 

16. The new restaurant in town offers ______________ cuisine, blending traditional flavours with innovative cooking techniques.

a) mundane
b) eclectic
c) aberrant
d) poignant

Answer: b) 

17. The ______________ beauty of the Sunset left everyone in awe, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and pink.

a) mundane
b) exquisite
c) obscure
d) conspicuous

Answer: b) 

18. The ______________ of the political situation in the country led to widespread uncertainty among the population.

a) turmoil
b) apathy
c) complacency
d) serenity

Answer: a) 

19. The ______________ aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, enticing customers to enter the bakery.

a) pungent
b) tantalizing
c) insipid
d) deleterious

Answer: b) 

20. Despite the _______________ challenges, Shelly managed to complete her project ahead of schedule, demonstrating her resilience and determination.

a) insurmountable
b) trivial
c) nebulous
d) mundane

Answer: a)

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