Worksheet on Idioms for Class 8

Questions on Idioms and Its List - Class 8

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

1. She has a direct way of speaking; she'll ______________ and never sugarcoat her opinions, which some people find refreshing, while others find it blunt.

a) call a spade a spade
b) cry over spilt milk
c) dwell on the past
d) draw a blank

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

2. Upon seeing the opulence of his friend, Raymond turned _________.

a) golden boy
b) green with envy
c) in the black
d) itchy feet

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

3. That new horror webseries that I was talking about that day is scary enough to ______________.

a) bring method to my madness
b) kick the bucket
c) Show a clean pair of heels 
d) make anybody’s flesh crawl

Answer: d)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

4. Asking for a new bicycle from mom when you just got a new one two months ago is like ________________.

a) tooth and nail
b) at arm’s length
c) crying for moon
d) Come off with flying colours 

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

5. The so-called screening rounds were all ____________ because they had already fixed whom they would hire.

a) living beyond your means
b) making a go of it
c) an eyewash
d) long time no see

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

6. Starting a new job can be challenging, but with her years of experience, Terry quickly ____________ and became an invaluable member of the team.

a) learned the ropes 
b) silenced the critics
c) tooth and nail
d) Show a clean pair of heels

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

7. Kiara wanted to complete her history assignment on time so she did not hesitate to ______________.

a) bite more than she could chew
b) know her rank and file
c) burn the mid-night oil
d) work at sixes and sevens

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

8. The last minute weeping campaign for voters proved to be ____________ as they had already made their minds whom to vote.

a) damp squib
b) an eyewash
c) make headway
d) mile a minute

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

9. The day appeared so long for Robert that he felt it was a ____________ for he wished it to end soon.

a) mile a minute
b) month of Sundays
c) old school
d) on the brain thing

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

10. Robin was determined to terminate the contract with the buyer so he ___________ without any further delay.

a) place in the Sun
b) pulling out all the stops
c) pulled the plug
d) Punch above his weight

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

11. Despite facing many challenges, Scarlet decided to ___________ and pursue her dream of becoming a doctor.

a) paint the town red
b) hit the nail on the head
c) bite the bullet
d) turn over a new leaf

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

12. After months of planning, the company finally decided to ___________ and launch their new product.

a) play devil's advocate
b) turn over a new leaf
c) pull out all the stops
d) cry over spilt milk

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

13. Despite his lack of experience, John decided to apply for the manager's position, hoping to ___________.

a) beat around the bush
b) pull the wool over someone's eyes
c) punch above his weight
d) hit the ground running

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

14. The team worked tirelessly to meet the deadline and finally ___________ just in time.

a) turned over a new leaf
b) threw in the towel
c) pulled the plug
d) hit the nail on the head

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

15. After years of hard work, Miley finally achieved her goal and found her ___________.

a) place in the Sun
b) piece of cake
c) pot of gold
d) bed of roses

Answer: a) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

16. Despite the difficulties, the team decided to ___________ and continue with the project.

a) play it by ear
b) beat around the bush
c) pull the wool over someone's eyes
d) bite the bullet

Answer: d) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

17. Mary had to ___________ when she realised the project was not feasible within the given budget.

a) pull out all the stops
b) hit the nail on the head
c) pull the plug
d) paint the town red

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

18. Despite his young age, Jack managed to ___________ and win the chess tournament.

a) hit the ground running
b) turn over a new leaf
c) punch above his weight
d) beat around the bush

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

19. After making several mistakes, John decided to ___________ and start fresh.

a) hit the nail on the head
b) throw in the towel
c) play devil's advocate
d) bite the bullet

Answer: b) 

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

20. Despite facing criticism, the artist continued to work hard and eventually found his ___________.

a) bed of roses
b) pot of gold
c) place in the Sun
d) bed of thorns

Answer: c)

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