Worksheet on Prepositions for Class 8

Questions on Prepositions and Its Types - Class 8

1. The pharmacist recommended an unguent infused _____ herbal extracts and essential oils, purported ______ alleviate skin irritation and promote healing, which the patient applied diligently.

a) with, to
b) by, for
c) with, of
d) to, to

Answer: a)

2. Shockingly, he was unrepenting ______ his reprehensible behaviour.

a) to
b) by
c) for
d) at

Answer: c)

3. The sanctimonious preacher spoke passionately ________ the moral implications of their actions.

a) upon
b) into
c) regarding
d) from

Answer: c) 

4. She was wary ______ the repercussions of her impulsive decision.

a) over
b) for
c) about
d) amidst

Answer: c) 

5. He decided to renounce his allegiance ________ the oppressive regime.

a) towards
b) with
c) to
d) upon

Answer: c) 

6. The resplendent castle stood majestically ________ the hilltop.

a) at
b) over
c) upon
d) from

Answer: c) 

7. They were apprehensive ________ the imminent storm's ferocity.

a) about
b) across
c) for
d) against

Answer: a) 

8. He was jubilant ________ the success of his ambitious project.

a) upon
b) into
c) with
d) amidst

Answer: a) 

9. The hikers rested ________ in the shade to escape the scorching sun.

a) at
b) over
c) within
d) beneath

Answer: d) 

10. They marvelled ________ the intricacies of the ancient artefact.

a) by
b) upon
c) towards
d) from

Answer: b)

11. The principal was pleased ___________ the students' performance ___________ the annual examination, and she congratulated them ___________ their hard work and dedication.

a) with, in, for
b) about, during, for
c) at, in, upon
d) with, at, on

Answer: a)

12. Fill in the blank using a suitable preposition:

The kid responded to his mother ______ looking at his mother's face. Later, the mother realised the kid was frightened. (CREST 2021-22)

a) with 
b) by
c) from 
d) on

Answer: b)

13. The novel, which is set ___________ the backdrop of the 19th century, provides a vivid description ___________ the social and economic conditions ___________ that era.

a) in, with, during
b) on, from, throughout
c) against, of, in
d) over, at, during

Answer: c)

14. She decided to pursue a career ___________ medicine after being inspired ___________ the dedication and compassion ___________ her family doctor.

a) at, with, for
b) on, in, with
c) for, from, by
d) in, by, of

Answer: d)

15. The teacher explained the importance ___________ honesty ___________ students and encouraged them to always speak the truth ___________ any circumstances.

a) for, to, under
b) of, to, under
c) in, with, at
d) of, with, upon

Answer: b)

16. The success of the new policy depends ___________ the cooperation ___________ all departments and the ability ___________ employees to adapt quickly.

a) on, among, of
b) in, between, of
c) upon, of, for
d) with, in, to

Answer: a)

17. Choose the most appropriate prepositions to fill in the blanks:

An exchange programme _______ promotes national integration has turned ____________ a nightmare for over 40 class 9 students. (CREST 2022-23)

a) for, in 
b) of, into 
c) to, in 
d) to, into

Answer: d)

18. He was known ___________ his expertise ___________ computer programming and was often sought ___________ for advice by his colleagues.

a) for, in, out
b) with, on, after
c) in, over, upon
d) by, about, to

Answer: a)

19. The research focused ___________ the impact of climate change ___________ polar bear populations and suggested measures ___________ their conservation.

a) in, on, to
b) on, over, for
c) on, on, for
d) about, in, towards

Answer: c)

20. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition:

Since he bought a new car, Shaun never seems to be ______ home. He keeps travelling around the world. (CREST 2023-24)

a) on
b) in
c) at
d) with

Answer: c)

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