Worksheet on Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 8

Questions on Spoken and Written Expressions - Class 8

I. Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

Neel: Excuse me, do you know how to get to the museum from here?

Ben: Sure, the museum? It's not too far. You see that street over there? Take a left, then walk straight for about three blocks.

Neel: Left, then three blocks. Got it. And then?

Ben: At the end of the third block, you'll reach a traffic circle. Take the second exit, and you'll spot a large fountain on your right.

Neel: Second exit at the traffic circle, and a fountain on the right. What next?

Ben: From there, you'll notice a row of buildings with colourful banners. The museum's the one with the huge glass facade. Can't miss it.

Neel: Great!____________________(1).

Ben: No problem, happy to help. Enjoy your visit to the museum!

1. What will come in the blank?

a) Thanks a lot for the directions
b) Thanks for the coffee
c) Thanks for your understanding
d) Can you take me there?

Answer: a)

II. Read the given dialogue for questions 2-4 and fill in the blanks:

Della: Hi, I'm Della. I'm new here, and I feel ____(1)____. Can you help me find the cafeteria?

Fiona: Of course! I'm Fiona. Welcome to our school. The cafeteria is this way. Follow me.

Della: Thanks, Fiona. It all looks so big and confusing.

Fiona: Yeah, it can be ______(2)______ at first. But don't worry, you'll get used to it. Oh, and that's the library over there. It's a great spot to study or hang out during breaks.

Della: Thanks for showing me around. I was worried I'd get lost trying to find my classes.

Fiona: No problem! I'll walk you to the cafeteria. After that, I can show you where the main office is. They'll help you with your schedule and any other questions you might have.

Della: That'd be amazing!______(3)______, Fiona.

Fiona: Anytime, Della. We're all here to help each other out.

2. What will come in blank 1?

a) a bit worried
b) a bit confident
c) a bit lost
d) quite a bit

Answer: c)

3. What will come in blank 2?

a) overwhelming
b) fantastic
c) hilarious
d) malicious

Answer: a)

4. What will come in blank 3?

a) I can't take this anymore.
b) I'll return this favour soon.
c) Can't wait to see more.
d) I appreciate your help

Answer: d)

III. Read the given dialogue for questions 5-8 and fill in the blanks:

Dr Baxton: Good morning, Mr. Johnson. Your check-up results are in. Your blood pressure and overall health seem fine, but I noticed your lung health isn't optimal.

Mr. Johnson: Oh, really? What's the issue?

Dr Baxton: It appears to be linked to your smoking habit. Have you _____(1)_________?

Mr. Johnson: I've tried, but it's been tough.

Dr Baxton: I understand. Quitting can be challenging, but it's essential for your health. Have you thought about strategies to help you quit?

Mr Johnson: Not really, I'm not sure where to start.

Dr Baxton: How about __________(2)____________ ? Starting with giving up smoking, and perhaps trying activities like yoga or morning walks. They can improve your lung health and overall well-being.

Mr Johnson: I've never tried yoga or regular walks before.

Dr Baxton: They can be beneficial. Yoga helps with breathing and relaxation techniques. And daily walks improve circulation and lung function.

Mr Johnson: I'll consider it. I do want to improve my health.

Dr Baxton: That's great to hear. Remember,_______(3)__________. I can guide you through this process if you're willing.

Mr Johnson: Thank you, Dr Baxton. I'll start _____(4)______, starting with quitting smoking and exploring yoga and morning walks.

5. What will come in blank 1?

a) considered quitting
b) been off the track lately
c) you led me down often
d) been thinking too much

Answer: a)

6. What will come in blank 2?

a) a cigarette, do you want one
b) a cup of coffee and a walk outside after that
c) incorporating some lifestyle changes
d) staying late to discuss your matter

Answer: c)

7. What will come in blank 3?

a) we are both in the same boat
b) you are not the only one
c) today is Thursday
d) small steps make a big difference

Answer: d)

8. What will come in blank 4?

a) making some changes
b) digging more
c) one giant leap chasing your advise
d) soon try to forget all this

Answer: b)

IV. Read the given dialogue for questions 9 and 10 and fill in the blanks:

Teacher: Good morning, class! Today is the last day to submit your projects. Has everyone _____(1)_____ ?

Student 1: Yes, I've submitted mine yesterday.

Student 2: Mine's in too, Mrs Turner.

Teacher: Great to hear! How about you, Ronny? Have you submitted your project?

Ronny: I'm sorry, Mrs Turner. I need a couple more days to finish mine. I underestimated the time it would take.

Teacher: I see. It's important to manage your time effectively. But deadlines are crucial too. Why do you need more time?

Ronny: I _______________ (2) with the research part. I want to make it more comprehensive.

Teacher: Alright, I understand. However, deadlines are set for a reason. Is there a specific reason you couldn't meet this one?

Ronny: I'll try my best to complete it soon. Can I have a couple of days' extension, please?

Teacher: I appreciate your dedication, Ronny. I'll give you an extra two days, but make sure it's your best work. Please submit it by Thursday.

Ronny: Thank you so much, Mrs Turner! I'll make sure it's worth the extra time.

Teacher: You're welcome. Just keep me updated on your progress, and good luck with completing the project.

9. What will come in blank 1?

a) turned theirs in
b) churned out enough
c) pushed with their might
d) forgotten theirs

Answer: a)

10. What will come in blank 2?

a) registered your complaint
b) encountered some unexpected issues
c) can't foresee things from here
d) wait for the deadline

Answer: b)

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