Worksheet on Voice and Narration

Choose the option which best expresses the given sentence from indirect to direct speech or vice versa:

1. Peter said, “Alas! my cat is sick.”

a) Peter exclaimed that his cat was sick.
b) Peter called that his cat is sick
c) Peter called his cat a sick cat.
d) Peter agreed that his at was sick.

Answer: a)

2. I don't like pizza and pasta," said Margarita.

a) Margarita said she either like pizza or pasta.
b) Margarita admitted that she neither liked pizza nor pasta.
c) Margarita maintained dislike of pizza and pasta.
d) Margarita disclosed she did not liked pizza or pasta.

Answer: b)

3. The plumber repaired the water pipeline quickly.

a) The water pipeline were repaired by the plumber.
b) The waterpipe line was repaired by the plumber quickly.
c) Quickly, the water pipeline has been repaired by the plumber.
d) The water pipeline is repaired quickly by the plumber.

Answer: b)

4. Rebecca answered all the difficult questions confidently.

a) All the difficult questions were answered by Rebecca confidently.
b) All the difficult questions was answered by Rebecca confidently.
c) All the difficult questions had been answered by Rebecca confidently.
d) All the difficult questions have been answered by Rebecca confidently.

Answer: a)

5. Some men were helping the wounded man.

a) The wounded man has been helped by some men.
b) The wounded man had helped by some men.
c) The wounded man was helped by some men.
d) The wounded man was being helped by some men.

Answer: d)

Choose the correct option that expresses the given passive sentence in active voice:

6. Oscar’s pocket has been picked.

a) Someone has picked Oscar’s pocket.
b) Oscar’s pocket is being picked up.
c) Oscar’s pocket was picked up.
d) Anyone had picked Oscar’s pocket.

Answer: a)

Choose the option that changes the voice correctly:

7. Without effort nothing can be gained.

a) Nothing can be gained without effort.
b) One should make efforts in order to gain nothing.
c) One should make efforts in order to gain something.
d) Without effort one can gain nothing.

Answer: d)

Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

8. “Where do you live?”, asked Ria.

a) Ria has enquired where I live.
b) Ria had enquired where I live.
c) Ria enquired where I lived.
d) Ria enquired where I was living.

Answer: c)

Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

9. An old mouse said, “Who will bell the at?”

a) An old mouse asked who would bell the cat?
b) An old mouse requested who would bell the cat?
c) An old mouse told who can bell the cat?
d) An old mouse said who will bell the cat?

Answer: a)

Choose the option that changes the speech correctly:

10. I asked Greg if he would lend me a camera.

a) I said to Greg, “Will you lend me a camera?”
b) I told to Greg, “Will you lend me a camera?”
c) I enquired to Greg, “Will you lend me a camera?”
d) I said to Greg, “would you be lending me a camera?”

Answer: a)

11. Choose the correct indirect speech for the given sentence: 

The police officer said to the thief, "Do not run otherwise I will have to shoot you." (CREST 2022-23)

a) The police officer told the thief not to run otherwise he will have to shoot him. 
b) The police officer advised the thief not to run otherwise he would have to shoot him. 
c) The police officer requested the thief not to run otherwise he would have to shoot him. 
d) The police officer warned the thief not to run otherwise he would have to shoot him.

Answer: d)

Choose the option which best expresses the given sentence from indirect to direct speech or vice versa:

12. Shelly asked, “Can you help me with my homework?”

a) Shelly asked if I can help her with her homework.
b) Shelly asked whether I could help her with her homework.
c) Shelly asked that I help her with her homework.
d) Shelly asked me that I could help her with her homework.

Answer: b)

13. "Alex said, “I will be late for the event.”

a) Alex said he will be late for the event.
b) Alex said that he will be late for the event.
c) Alex said that he would be late for the event.
d) Alex said he would be late for the event.

Answer: c)

14. Scarlet remarked, “The weather is beautiful today.”

a) Scarlet remarked the weather is beautiful today.
b) Scarlet remarked that the weather was beautiful that day.
c) Scarlet remarked that the weather is beautiful today.
d) Scarlet remarked the weather was beautiful today.

Answer: b)

15. Daniel sighed, “I wish I could go on vacation.”

a) Daniel sighed wishing he could go on vacation.
b) Daniel sighed that he wishes he could go on vacation.
c) Daniel sighed that he wished he could go on vacation.
d) Daniel sighed to wish he could go on vacation.

Answer: c)

16. Choose the correct passive voice of the given sentence: 

The cashier took the cash from the customer. (CREST 2022-23)

a) The cash had been taken from the customer by the cashier. 
b) The cash was taken from the customer by the cashier. 
c) The cash was being taken from the customer by the cashier. 
d) The cash is taken from the customer by the cashier.

Answer: b)

Choose the correct option that expresses the given passive sentence into active voice:

17. Mr Smith said, “Please submit your assignments by Friday.”

a) Mr Smith said to submit our assignments by Friday.
b) Mr Smith said that submit our assignments by Friday.
c) Mr Smith said if we could submit our assignments by Friday.
d) Mr Smith said that we should submit our assignments by Friday.

Answer: d) 

18. She inquired, “Where is the nearest hospital?”

a) She inquired where the nearest hospital is.
b) She inquired where the nearest hospital was.
c) She inquired where is the nearest hospital.
d) She inquired where was the nearest hospital.

Answer: b)

19. She wondered, “Will they come to the party?”

a) She wondered whether they would come to the party.
b) She wondered whether will they come to the party.
c) She wondered if they will come to the party.
d) She wondered if would they come to the party.

Answer: a)

20. He asked, “Could you please pass me the salt?”

a) He asked if he could please pass him the salt.
b) He asked could you please pass him the salt.
c) He asked whether you could please pass him the salt.
d) He asked whether he could please pass him the salt.

Answer: d)

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