Worksheet on Adjective for Class 9

Questions on Adjectives and It's Types - Class 9

Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

1. Albert Einstein is often considered one of the _________ exponents of theoretical physics due to his groundbreaking work on the theory of relativity.

a) significant
b) significantly
c) more significant
d) most significant

Answer: d)

2. Spider plant is __________________ choice for the drawing room.

a) a refreshing evergreen plant
b) an evergreen refreshing plant
c) a plant refreshing and evergreen
d) an evergreen refreshing plant

Answer: a) 

3. This is _______________ Church in the country.

a) beautiful, old, dilapidated
b) the beautiful, old, dilapidated
c) an old dilapidated beautiful
d) the most beautiful dilapidated old

Answer: d) 

4. The austere design of the building reflected a _________ approach, characterised by its stark simplicity and devoid of any ornate embellishments or ________ decorations.

a) minimalist, lavish
b) simpleton, outlandish
c) direct, intrinsic
d) roundabout, simple

Answer: a)

5. The ___________ storyline of the novel captivated readers, weaving a complex web of suspense and mystery that compelled them to delve deeper into its __________ plot, uncovering unforeseen twists and turns at every chapter's turn.

a) palpable, deep
b) intriguing, enigmatic
c) hardened, complex
d) awful, distasteful

Answer: b)

6. The enigmatic behaviour of the professor left the students puzzled, as his cryptic lectures and ________ explanations obscured the _______ essence of the subject matter, fostering curiosity yet offering little clarity.

a) elusive, true
b) calculative, pure
c) compelling, crude
d) insightful, sharp

Answer: a)

7. According to you, _________ explanations among these is the closest and most convincing related to the theory?

a) what
b) which
c) whose
d) when

Answer: b)

8. Sometimes, ______ argument goes beyond the logic and touches the spiritual domains.

a) his
b) there
c) it
d) which

Answer: a)

9. I think this ___________________ ribbon is perfect for decoration.

a) thin white satin
b) white satin thin
c) satin thin white
d) thin satin white

Answer: a)

10. He thought that the _________________ sack was not only spacious but also sturdy enough to hold all these huge items.

rough old jute
old jute rough
jute old rough
rough jute old

Answer: a)

11. Perched high on the cliff, the ________________ castle overlooked the valley below, its weathered stones and ancient walls standing testament to centuries of history. 

a) imposing 
b) more imposing 
c) most imposing 
d) imposingly

Answer: c)

12. The ancient library, filled with ________________ manuscripts and dusty tomes, was a treasure trove of knowledge waiting to be uncovered by eager scholars. 

a) rare 
b) rarest
c) rarer 
d) rarely

Answer: b) 

13. During the royal banquet, the ________________ chandelier hung from the ceiling, its crystal facets reflecting light in a dazzling display that left the guests awestruck. 

a) magnificent
b) more magnificent
c) magnificently
d) most magnificent

Answer: d)

14. In the middle of the bustling city, the serene park offered a ________________ retreat, its tranquil paths and blooming flowers providing a peaceful escape from urban life. 

a) delightful 
b) more delightful 
c) most delightful 
d) delightfully

Answer: c)

15. As the detective pieced together the clues, he realised the solution to the case was far more ________________ than he had initially anticipated, involving layers of deception and intrigue. 

a) complex
b) more complex
c) most complex
d) complexly

Answer: b) 

16. The ________________ melody of the violin echoed through the concert hall, its haunting notes weaving a tapestry of sound that left the audience breathless. 

a) most exquisite
b) more exquisite
c) exquisite
d) exquisitely

Answer: a) 

17. Under the ________________ night sky, the astronomer marvelled at the constellations, each star twinkling with a brilliance that had inspired countless myths and legends. 

a) clear 
b) clearer 
c) clearly 
d) clearest

Answer: d)

18. The artist painted a ___________________ scene that captivated everyone's attention. 

a) lovely large landscape 
b) large landscape lovely 
c) landscape large lovely 
d) lovely landscape large

Answer: a)

19. The museum displayed a ___________________ statue that had been recently discovered. 

a) magnificent marble ancient
b) ancient marble magnificent 
c) marble magnificent ancient 
d) magnificent ancient marble 

Answer: d)

20. The bakery sold a ___________________ loaf of bread that was perfect for sandwiches. 

a) wholegrain large fresh
b) large wholegrain fresh
c) fresh large wholegrain
d) fresh wholegrain large

Answer: c)

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