Worksheet on Adverbs for Class 9

Questions on Adverbs and It's Types - Class 9

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. Scientists conducted extensive research to explore the intricacies of __________ modified organisms, analysing the long-term effects on ecosystems and meticulously assessing potential benefits and risks before implementing widespread applications.

a) submissively
b) superficially
c) genetically 
d) frantically

Answer: c) 

2. The university campus is known for its __________ diverse student population, representing a multitude of cultures and backgrounds, fostering an enriching environment for cross-cultural learning and understanding.

a) ethnically
b) dynastically
c) multidisciplinary
d) crudely

Answer: a) 

3. The smartphone's __________ robust design ensures seamless performance even under demanding conditions, showcasing its ____________ and advanced technological capabilities.

a) technically, durability
b) rapidly, combustibility
c) flexibility, agility
d) spherically, malleability

Answer: a)

4. She ________ devours books on astronomy, her passion for the subject is evident in her extensive collection and in-depth knowledge of celestial bodies.

a) avidly 
b) sternly
c) broadly
d) listfully

Answer: a)

5. The argument presented in the research paper is ________ supported by a multitude of credible sources, lending substantial weight to the author's conclusions.

a) linguistically
b) banefully
c) validly
d) blindly

Answer: c)

6. The professor's question, though _________ simple, _________ directed the discussion toward the core of the issue, sparking a thought-provoking debate among the students.

a) seemingly, pertinently
b) substantially, brutally
c) apparently, carefully
d) both a and c

Answer: d)

7. Even in a crowded room, her laughter rings out __________ , recognisable among the various sounds due to its unique and cheerful tone.

a) vividly
b) distinctly
c) brilliantly
d) diligently

Answer: b) 

8. ____________, the old clock in the house seems to chime at irregular intervals, sometimes skipping hours or chiming twice within minutes, adding an eerie ambience to the quiet rooms.

a) Mundanely
b) Bizarrely
c) Abundantly
d) Quirkily

Answer: b) 

9. He tends to worry _________ about small details, often spending hours deliberating over minor decisions, causing unnecessary stress in his daily life.

a) critically
b) excessively
c) incessantly
d) all of these

Answer: d)

10. As the storm clouds gathered, the wind howled __________ through the trees, creating an ominous atmosphere that made everyone uneasy.

a) hastily
b) menacingly
c) knowingly
d) blatantly

Answer: b)

11. Shelly spoke __________ during the meeting, ensuring that her point was clearly understood by everyone present.

a) reluctantly
b) ambiguously
c) eloquently
d) hesitantly

Answer: c) 

12. Despite the complexity of the problem, John solved it __________, impressing his teacher with his quick thinking.

a) clumsily
b) hastily
c) deftly
d) sluggishly

Answer: c) 

13. The committee reviewed the proposal __________, paying close attention to every detail before making a decision.

a) hastily
b) superficially
c) meticulously
d) carelessly

Answer: c) 

14. The children tiptoed __________ through the dark hallway, trying not to wake their parents.

a) loudly
b) cautiously
c) recklessly
d) blatantly

Answer: b) 

15. The artist painted __________, capturing the essence of the scene with every brushstroke.

a) erratically
b) skillfully
c) randomly
d) clumsily

Answer: b) 

16. Alice __________ accepted the award, knowing that it was a result of years of hard work and dedication.

a) reluctantly
b) resentfully
c) graciously
d) thoughtlessly

Answer: c) 

17. The news spread __________ throughout the small town, and soon everyone was talking about it.

a) sluggishly
b) swiftly
c) lazily
d) reluctantly

Answer: b) 

18. The students __________ worked on their projects, knowing that the deadline was fast approaching.

a) diligently
b) negligently
c) carelessly
d) reluctantly

Answer: a) 

19. Jack looked __________ at the complex math problem, realising it would take time to solve.

a) easily
b) confidently
c) dubiously
d) effortlessly

Answer: c) 

20. During the debate, Sacrlet presented her arguments __________, leaving no room for doubt about her stance.

a) vaguely
b) hesitantly
c) assertively
d) ambiguously

Answer: c)

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