Worksheet on Classification of Kingdom Animalia

Solved Questions on Classification of Kingdom Animalia

1. Amphibians have a unique life cycle involving metamorphosis. What is the ecological significance of this life cycle adaptation?

a) Amphibians can survive in both aquatic and terrestrial environments
b) Amphibians have a shorter lifespan due to metamorphosis
c) Amphibians are less susceptible to predation during metamorphosis
d) Amphibians experience reduced competition during their aquatic larval stage.

Answer: a) The metamorphosis in amphibians allows them to change from aquatic larvae to terrestrial adults. This adaptation is ecologically significant as it enables them to exploit different habitats for feeding and avoiding predators, increasing their chances of survival.

2. Researchers conducted an experiment to study the effects of notochord presence on the movement of protochordates. They compared species with retained notochords to those with regressed notochords. What did they likely observe?

a) Species with retained notochords moved more efficiently.
b) Species with regressed notochords had better movement.
c) Movement was unrelated to notochord's presence.
d) All protochordate species moved in the same way.

Answer: a) The notochord provides structural support and the basis for body movement. Species with retained notochords would likely have better movement capabilities compared to those with regressed notochords, as the notochord contributes to their locomotion.

3. In the context of animal classification, what is the primary characteristic that separates vertebrates from invertebrates?

a) Presence of exoskeleton
b) Presence of true coelom
c) Presence of a backbone
d) Presence of segmented body

Answer: c) The primary characteristic that separates vertebrates from invertebrates is the presence of a backbone or vertebral column. Vertebrates belong to the subphylum Vertebrata and have a well-developed internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage, which includes a vertebral column that surrounds and protects the spinal cord. In contrast, invertebrates do not possess a backbone and include a wide variety of animals without this specific feature.

4. Match the Following: Match the classes of animals with their defining characteristics.

Column I

Column II

1. Mammalia

A. Scales, gills, and streamlined body

2. Reptiles

B. Hair, mammary glands, and live birth

3. Cyclostomata

C. Scales, lungs, and a 3-chambered heart

4. Pisces

D. Jawless vertebrates with an elongated eel-like body and circular mouth

a) 1:B, 2:A, 3:C, 4:D
b) 1:A, 2:C, 3:B, 4:D
c) 1:B, 2:D, 3:A, 4:C
d) 1:B, 2:C, 3:D, 4:A

Answer: d) Mammalia: Hair, mammary glands, and live birth

Reptiles: Scales, lungs, and a 3-chambered heart
Cyclostomata: Jawless vertebrates with an elongated eel-like body and circular mouth
Pisces: Scales, gills, and streamlined body

5. In a comparative study of vertebrate circulatory systems, researchers find that a particular group has a three-chambered heart and exhibits oviparous reproduction. Which group of organisms fits this description?

a) Lamprey, Hagfish, Newt
b) Frog, Toad, Salamander
c) Whales, Bats, Platypus
d) Lizard, Turtle, Chameleon

Answer: d) Lizard, turtle, and chameleon are all reptiles with a three-chambered heart and exhibit oviparous reproduction, making them the correct choice.


1. What Are the Main Phyla of Kingdom Animalia?

Many plants of the Plantae family are economically valuable and used for food, medicine, fibre, timber, fuel, and adornment. Grain crops (wheat, rice, maize), medicinal plants (ginseng, echinacea), timber trees (oak, pine), and ornamental flowers (roses, orchids) are some examples.

2. What Distinguishes Vertebrates from Invertebrates?

Vertebrates have a backbone or spinal support, but invertebrates lack a backbone. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are examples of vertebrates, whereas invertebrates include insects, spiders, worms, mollusks, and crustaceans.

3. What Are Some Unique Features of Mollusks in Kingdom Animalia?

Molluscs are different class of invertebrates that includes snails, clams, octopuses, and squid. They are distinguished by their soft bodies, which are often covered by a hard shell, and muscular feet used for mobility. Molluscs use a variety of feeding techniques and live in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments.

4. How Are Animals Adapted to Different Environments and Lifestyles?

Animals have evolved unique adaptations to survive and prosper in a variety of environments and lifestyles. These adaptations include morphological characteristics, habits and physiological systems that enable animals to find food, breed, avoid predators and travel their surroundings successfully.

5. What Are Some Examples of Arthropods in Kingdom Animalia?

Arthropods are the biggest phylum in the Kingdom Animalia, and they comprise insects, spiders, crabs, and centipedes. Butterflies, spiders, crabs, ants, and beetles are all arthropods. Arthropods have segmented bodies, jointed limbs, and chitin-based exoskeletons.

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