Worksheet on Collocation for Class 9

Questions on Collocation and Its Types - Class 9

Choose the option which can form a collocation with the highlighted word:

1. In our democratic society, individual choice plays a crucial role as citizens have the freedom to express their preferences through voting and other forms of participation.

a) personal choice
b) random choice
c) both a and b
d) mobilised

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

2. Chuck ___________ his father so much that I got confused when I met them for the first time.

a) slightly resembles
b) closely resembles
c) faintly resembles
d) hastily resembles

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

3. She promised to attend the celebration _________, eager to join the festivities and share in the joyous occasion.

a) bells and peppers
b) with bells on
c) with charms off
d) with true colours

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

4. Her well-organised and compelling presentation served as a _________ of effective communication skills in a professional setting.

a) classic example
b) durable paradigm
c) organic sentiment
d) thorough link

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

5. The car travelled at a _________ of 60 miles per hour on the highway, maintaining a steady speed throughout the journey.

a) relative speed
b) constant rate 
c) fixed paces
d) variable speed

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

6. There was a _________ between the old, weathered buildings on one side of the street and the modern, sleek skyscrapers on the other, showcasing the city's architectural evolution.

a) superficial change
b) sudden restriction
c) marked contrast
d) substantial differences

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

7. To fully understand the implications of the scientific discovery, it is essential to consider it within a ___________ of related research and technological advancements.

a) greater perspective
b) broader context 
c) mild depth
d) tight schedule

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

8. Despite facing economic challenges, the company experienced ___________ in its market share, indicating resilience and adaptability in a competitive industry.

a) continued growth
b) baneful experience
c) sudden spur
d) moderate roadblocks

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

9. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, their friendship endured _______________ , demonstrating a bond that could withstand any adversity.

a) rain and Sun
b) through thick and thin
c) fall and shine
d) sunrise and sunset

Answer: b)

Fill in the blank with the correct option:

10. The couple always _______ things in the household for a month in advance.

a) figured out
b) folded up
c) stocked up
d) compiled up

Answer: c)

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

 11. To excel in mathematics, it's crucial to grasp the ___________ concepts before moving on to advanced topics.

a) fundamental
b) superficial
c) peripheral
d) cursory

Answer: a) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

12. The success of the project hinged on the team's ability to ___________ with tight deadlines and unforeseen challenges.

a) evade
b) linger
c) procrastinate
d) cope

Answer: d) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

13. The politician's speech was filled with ___________ promises but lacked concrete implementation plans.

a) fleeting
b) substantial
c) transient
d) ephemeral

Answer: b) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

14. It's important to maintain a ___________ diet consisting of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for good health.

a) balanced
b) disproportionate
c) skewed
d) unequal

Answer: a) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

15. The novel offers a ___________ insight into the complexities of human nature, leaving readers pondering its philosophical themes.

a) superficial
b) profound
c) shallow
d) cursory

Answer: b) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

16. The artist's masterpiece was created through years of ___________ practice and dedication to his craft.

a) diligent
b) sporadic
c) intermittent
d) irregular

Answer: a) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

17. The organization aims to promote ___________ development in underprivileged communities through education and skill-building programs.

a) disjointed
b) fragmented
c) holistic
d) segregated

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

18. My company's decision to expand its operations was based on a ___________ analysis of market trends and consumer behaviour.

a) comprehensive
b) partial
c) selective
d) limited

Answer: a) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

19. The recent film received ___________ acclaim from critics worldwide, praising its innovative storytelling and exceptional performances.

a) conflicting
b) dissenting
c) unanimous
d) divided

Answer: c) 

Fill in the blank with the correct collocation:

20. To achieve success, one must possess a ___________ mindset, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.

a) resilient
b) fragile
c) delicate
d) vulnerable

Answer: a) 

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