Worksheet on Conjunction for Class 9

Questions on Conjunction and Its Types - Class 9

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions:

1. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them, the survivors' miraculous escape from the burning building, navigating through smoke _____ flames, left them awestruck ______ grateful for their unexpected deliverance.

a) and, and
b) and, but
c) but, and
d) but, but

Answer: a)

2. Choose the correct compound conjunction to complete the sentence: 

She enjoys both playing the piano _____ painting landscapes.

a) or
b) but
c) as well as
d) nor

Answer: c)

3. Identify the appropriate compound conjunction: 

He neither likes to trek _____ to snorkel.

a) nor
b) or
c) but
d) yet

Answer: a)

4. Select the suitable compound conjunction: 

She can either come early _____ stay late.

a) and
b) or
c) nor
d) but

Answer: b)

5. Identify the correct compound conjunction to complete the sentence: 

The movie was neither intriguing _____ entertaining.

a) or
b) but
c) and
d) nor

Answer: d)

6. Choose the appropriate compound conjunction: 

He is both intelligent _____ hardworking.

a) nor
b) but
c) or
d) and

Answer: d)

7. The use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) ______ a transport fuel is a mature technology ________ widely used in parts of the world. _________ compressed natural gas is a fossil fuel, it is the cleanest burning fuel at the moment in terms of NOx _____ soot (PM) emissions.

a) as, and, Although, and 
b) but, but, as, though
c) though, and, or, since
d) since, though, as, but

Answer: a)

8. Despite attempts to mediate, the belligerent behaviour of the opposing factions escalated, leading to prolonged conflicts ______ heightened tensions in the region.

a) or
b) but
c) and
d) nor

Answer: c)

9. The devastating aftermath of the natural disaster, with homes demolished ________ livelihoods shattered, compelled communities to come together _______ rebuild amidst overwhelming adversity.

a) and, and 
b) but, or
c) or, but
d) but, but

Answer: a)

10. CNG can be employed to power passenger cars _______ city busses. CNG passenger vehicles emit 5-10% less CO2 _______ comparable gasoline powered passenger vehicles. Generally, there is no benefit over diesel powered cars in terms of CO2 emission reduction.

a) and, than
b) but, and
c) and, or
d) than, and

Answer: a)

11. Choose the correct set of conjunctions to fill in the blanks:

The kids are usually afraid during their first day in school, ______ their parents are allowed to sit with them. The parents can stop coming ______ the kids are comfortable, ______ they can continue to come the entire term ______ they wish to do so. (CREST 2021-22)

a) and, after, before, and
b) before, only if, before, and
c) so, once, but, if
d) after, only if, before, and

Answer: c)

12. The novel was compelling __________ thought-provoking; __________, it was criticised for its slow pace.

a) and, however
b) but, therefore
c) so, yet
d) yet, consequently

Answer: a) 

13. James was very talented, __________ he lacked the discipline to practise daily __________ improve his skills.

a) yet, and
b) and, but
c) but, and
d) so, because

Answer: c)

14. __________ the students were tired, they continued to work __________ the assignment was due the next day.

a) Although, so
b) Because, yet
c) Even though, because
d) Despite, since

Answer: c) 

15. The presentation given by Daniel was engaging __________ informative; __________, it lacked detailed data analysis.

a) and, however
b) yet, and
c) but, so
d) although, yet

Answer: a) 

16. Shelly decided to take a break __________ she had been working non-stop __________ the past week.

a) so, for
b) because, during
c) although, over
d) since, for

Answer: d)

17. Hary invested a lot of time in the project, __________ he didn't achieve the desired results __________ he missed some crucial steps.

a) so, because
b) yet, as
c) and, since
d) but, because

Answer: d)

18. The teacher praised the students' creativity __________ their projects were unique __________ well-executed.

a) since, but
b) although, yet
c) because, and
d) while, and

Answer: c) 

19. The expedition was dangerous __________ rewarding; __________, they gathered invaluable data about the remote region.

a) but, consequently
b) and, therefore
c) yet, nevertheless
d) although, as a result

Answer: b) 

20. __________ he was not the best candidate for the job, he got hired __________ he had strong recommendations from influential people.

a) Even though, because
b) Despite, and
c) Although, yet
d) While, but

Answer: a) 

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