Worksheet on Idioms for Class 9

Questions on Idioms and Its List - Class 9

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

1. _____________, a gentle breeze would rustle through the ancient trees, carrying with it the fragrance of blooming flowers in the secluded garden.

a) Ever and anon
b) Easy does it
c) Get something out of your system 
d) Get out of hand

Answer: a)

Fill in the blank with the correct idiom:

2. The manager ruled the department with __________, enforcing strict policies and expecting unwavering adherence to rules and regulations from all employees.

a) an iron hand
b) a white whip
c) a trunk and a tooth
d) tooth and nail

Answer: a)

3. After hearing about the boss's bad mood, the employees decided to give his office ____________ to avoid any unnecessary confrontations.

a) a wide berth
b) a quick blink
c) a clever wink
d) a stern look

Answer: a)

4. The argument between the two classmates started over a minor disagreement but quickly escalated and ____________, requiring intervention to restore order in the workplace.

a) got out of hand
b) got a wide berth
c) called it a day
d) easy does it

Answer: a)

5. Living in a bustling city, seeing a shooting star is an event that happens ___________, making it a rare and cherished experience.

a) every now and then
b) once in a blue moon
c) cut something slack
d) a man of straw

Answer: b)

6. He promised to submit his assignment on time, but it seems he'll do so ________________, given his track record of procrastination.

a) when pigs fly
b) when stars shine
c) when dogs crawl
d) fish swims

Answer: a)

7. Della and Veronica’s friendship is _________ these days.

a) on the rocks
b) on the hills
c) under the rainbow
d) on the moon

Answer: a)

8. Venting your frustrations and getting something __________can be therapeutic, allowing you to move forward with a clearer mindset.

a) pouring phlegm
b) out of your system
c) out of the box
d) blow your horn

Answer: b)

9. Paula is disliked by many at school because she many times acts as _____________.

a) slow as a slug
b) sharp as a knife
c) as penetrating as a needle
d) proud as a peacock

Answer: d)

10. She received the award ___________, completely unexpected but incredibly welcome.

a) out of the blue
b) bolt from a nut
c) belted safely
d) with a bang

Answer: a)

11. Despite his initial reluctance, he eventually decided to take the job ___________.

a) by the horns
b) by the nose
c) by the tail
d) by the skin of his teeth

Answer: a) 

12. Shelly had to ___________ the hard way that honesty is always the best policy.

a) bear the brunt
b) swallow her pride
c) bite the bullet
d) take the cake

Answer: c) 

13. The politician's promises sounded good, but many suspected they were just ___________.

a) birds of a feather 
b) chips off the old block
c) ducks in a row
d) pie in the sky

Answer: d) 

14. After weeks of preparation, the concert went off ___________ and the audience loved every minute of it.

a) like clockwork
b) like a bull in a china shop
c) like a bat out of hell
d) like a rolling stone

Answer: a) 

15. Alice always ___________ her siblings, offering them advice and support whenever they needed it.

a) lent an ear to
b) turned a blind eye to
c) held the fort for
d) gave them the cold shoulder

Answer: c)

16. Despite his age, he still manages to ___________ and stay active in various sports.

a) keep his head above water
b) keep his nose to the grindstone
c) keep his ear to the ground
d) keep his feet on the ground

Answer: b) 

17. Scarlet was known for her ability to ___________ any challenge that came her way.

a) face the music
b) hold her horses
c) rise to the occasion
d) jump the gun

Answer: c) 

18. After years of hard work, Zayn finally ___________ and achieved his dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

a) turned over a new leaf
b) made a mountain out of a molehill
c) broke the ice
d) hit the jackpot

Answer: d) 

19. The project's success was largely due to the team's ability to ___________ and collaborate effectively.

a) pull together
b) pull the wool over someone's eyes
c) pull strings
d) pull a fast one

Answer: a) 

20. Despite facing numerous setbacks, the team managed to ___________ and complete the project ahead of schedule.

a) keep their heads above water
b) keep their fingers crossed
c) keep their noses clean
d) keep their eyes peeled

Answer: a)

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