Worksheet on Improvement in Food Resources

Solved Questions on Improvement in Food Resources

1. A coastal community is planning to establish a marine fishery. What factors should they consider to ensure sustainable fish harvesting?

a) Only focus on high-value fish species.
b) Implement fishing without any regulations.
c) Consider fish reproduction cycles and fishing quotas.
d) Introduce non-native fish species to increase yield.

Answer: c) To ensure sustainable fish harvesting, it's crucial to consider factors such as fish reproduction cycles and fishing quotas. This helps prevent overfishing, allows fish populations to replenish, and maintains the health of marine ecosystems. Ignoring these factors can lead to the depletion of fish stocks and ecological imbalances.

2. A farmer is determined to enhance crop production on their farm. Arrange the following steps in the correct sequence that the farmer should follow to achieve their goal:

I. Identify and manage pests and diseases affecting the crops.
II. Experiment with hybridisation and genetic modification techniques.
III. Implement irrigation and nutrient management practices.
IV. Choose appropriate crop rotation patterns.
V. Evaluate the quality and quantity of the harvested crops.

a) IV → II → III → I → V
b) II → III → IV → I → V
c) II → V → IV → III → IV
d) III → IV → V → I → II

Answer: b) II → III → IV → I → V

3. In a beekeeping experiment, two hives were placed in different locations: one near a garden and the other near a forest. After some time, it was observed that the hive near the garden produced sweeter and lighter-coloured honey compared to the forest hive. What might have contributed to this difference?

a) The hive near the forest had more bees.
b) The hive near the garden had fewer flowers.
c) The hive near the forest had different bee species.
d) The hive near the garden had access to specific nectar sources.

Answer: d) The difference in the sweetness and colour of honey suggests that the hive near the garden had access to specific nectar sources, likely from the types of flowers in the garden. Different nectar sources can result in variations in honey characteristics, including taste and colour. The other options do not directly explain the observed differences in honey quality.

4. A farmer notices that a portion of the potato crop is affected by a fungal disease. To manage the disease, which practice should the farmer adopt to reduce the disease's spread to other crops?

a) Intercropping
b) Crop rotation
c) Monoculture
d) Mixed cropping

Answer: b) Crop rotation involves planting different crops in a specific sequence over time. This practice can help break the disease cycle by preventing the buildup of pathogens that target a specific crop. Intercropping (option a) and mixed cropping (option d) involve growing multiple crops together, which may not effectively prevent disease spread. Monoculture (option c) can lead to the concentration and spread of diseases specific to that crop.

5. A farmer noticed that her poultry birds were not laying eggs consistently. What could be a practical approach to address this issue?

a) Providing more lighting during the night
b) Decreasing the protein content in their feed
c) Isolating the birds from each other
d) Increasing the temperature in the poultry house

Answer: a) Poultry birds' egg-laying patterns can be influenced by the amount of daylight they receive. Providing additional lighting during the night can simulate longer daylight hours and encourage more consistent egg production. Decreasing protein content (option b) can negatively impact their health and egg production. Isolating birds (option c) may not directly address the issue of inconsistent egg-laying. Increasing temperature (option d) might not have a significant impact on egg production and could lead to other issues if not managed properly.


1. How can crop improvement contribute to food production?

Crop improvement include creating and breeding plant types with desired characteristics such as increased yields, disease resistance, drought tolerance, nutritional value, and adaptation to changing conditions. This boosts agricultural output and resistance to environmental hazards.

2. How does livestock management contribute to food resources?

Livestock management involves raising and breeding domestic animals for meat, milk, eggs, and other animal products. Sustainable livestock production methods, such as enhanced breeding, nutrition, housing, and disease management, can boost animal productivity and food supply.

3. What are the benefits of aquaculture in food production?

Aquaculture, often known as fish farming, is the process of raising aquatic creatures such as fish, shrimp, and mollusks in controlled conditions. Aquaculture can complement wild fisheries, enhance seafood availability, relieve overfishing strain on natural ecosystems, and provide income for coastal communities.

4. What role do agricultural technologies play in improving food resources?

Precision farming, irrigation systems, automation, biotechnology, and digital tools are all examples of agricultural technologies that may improve food production efficiency, productivity, and resilience while reducing environmental impact and resource consumption.

5. What are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their role in food production?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are those whose genetic material has been changed by technological processes. GMOs can improve agricultural productivity, insect resistance, herbicide tolerance, and nutritional value, but their usage is regulated and controversial.

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