Worksheet on Spoken and Written Expressions for Class 9

Questions on Spoken and Written Expressions - Class 9

I. Read the given dialogue and answer the questions from 1-3: 

John: Hi there! I'm John. Is this your first day at this school too?

Martin: Hey, John! Yeah, it is. I'm Martin. Just moved here recently. Where were you before?

John: Oh, I used to go to Maplewood High. How about you?

Martin: I was at Oakridge Middle School. Quite different from here, I think.

John: Yeah, I heard Oakridge is bigger. How are you finding this new school?

Martin: It's different but in a good way. Everyone seems friendly. What do you like doing outside of school?

John: I'm really into sports, especially basketball. You?

Martin: Nice! I play soccer and I love sketching in my free time. ________(1)________ ?

John: Math and science, definitely. How about you?

Martin: I enjoy history and art. What do you think of our new teachers so far?

John: They seem pretty cool, especially Mr Thompson, the science teacher. What about you?

Martin: Yeah, I liked Mrs Davis, our history teacher. Seems like we might have some fun classes this year.

John: Definitely! Hey,_______(2)__________. Maybe play some basketball or sketch at the park?

Martin:________________(3), John! Let's exchange numbers after class.

1. What will come in blank 1?

a) Do you have any favourite subjects
b) Do you like to play volleyball
c) Do you have an interest in guitar
d) Do you like swimming

Answer: a)

2. What will come in blank 2?

a) we should fall apart more often
b) we should split our time and money
c) we should hang out sometime
d) let's have a meeting

Answer: c)

3. What will come in blank 3?

a) That sounds great
b) That sounds funny
c) Really! should we?
d) Ok, if you say so

Answer: a)

II. Read the given dialogue and answer the questions from 4-6: 

Coach: Hey there, Jake. I noticed you were a bit ___(4)____ after missing that goal today. Everything alright?

Jake: Coach, I blew it! I should've scored that goal. I let the team down.

Coach: It happens, Jake. Even the best players miss shots sometimes. Remember, it's not about the missed shot, it's about ______(5)_______.

Jake: But it was such an important chance. I feel terrible about it.

Coach: I understand your disappointment, but dwelling on it won't change the outcome. What's important is how you use this as ___(6)____ for the next game.

Jake: I don't want to let the team down again.

Coach: You won't, Jake. You're a valuable player. Your dedication and skill are what the team needs. Use this setback as fuel to work even harder in practice.

Jake: Alright, Coach. I'll give it my all next time. I promise _____(7)________ .

Coach: That's the spirit, Jake! Remember, every game is a new opportunity. Learn from today, keep practising, and stay____(8)_____. You've got what it takes, I believe in you.

Jake: Thanks, Coach. I'll give my best in the next match.

4. What will come in blank 4?

a) satisfied
b) upset
c) overwhelmed
d) en route

Answer: b)

5. What will come in blank 5?

a) how you take revenge
b) how you react
c) fight fire with fire
d) how you bounce back

Answer: d)

6. What will come in blank 6?

a) measurement
b) motivation
c) an excuse
d) pretext

Answer: b)

7. What will come in blank 7?

a) I won't let you down
b) settle the scores this time
c) draw somebody's fire
d) fight fire with fire

Answer: a)

8. What will come in blank 8?

a) tuned
b) updated
c) focussed
d) aligned

Answer: c)

III. Read the dialogue given and answer the questions 9 and 10:

Son: Dad, I failed my math test. I don't know what to do.

Father: Hey, it's okay. We all face setbacks sometimes. What happened?

Son: I thought I understood the material, but I couldn't solve the problems in the test.

Father: It happens, son. Math can be tricky. But failing once______(9)_________. It's a chance to learn and improve.

Son: I feel like I disappointed you, Dad.

Father: No, not at all. I'm here to support you, not judge you. Remember, success is often built on failures. It's how we learn and grow.

Son: I'm just afraid of failing again.

Father: Don't be. Use this as motivation. Work on the areas you found difficult. Seek help if needed. You're capable of much more than one test result.

Son: I'll try harder next time, Dad.

Father:_______(10)__________ ! I'm proud of you for wanting to do better. Remember, it's not about the setback but how you rise from it. You've got this, son. I believe in you.

9. What will come in blank 9?

a) can't be permanent
b) can't limit you
c) doesn't define your abilities
d) can't stop you

Answer: c)

10. What will come in blank 10?

a) That's the fundamental aspect
b) That is absolutely right
c) That's more of like my son
d) That's the spirit

Answer: d)

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