Worksheet on Class 9 English Vocabulary

Practice Questions on Vocabulary for Class 9

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. Her ___________ remarks, though delivered with a smile, often left others uncertain about her true feelings and intentions.

a) hegemonies
b) bellicose
c) erratic
d) sarcastic

Answer: d)

2. The leader was known for his unwavering ____________, consistently making decisions based on moral principles and maintaining a strong commitment to ethical conduct.

a) rectitude
b) lissome
c) servitude
d) magnitude

Answer: a)

3. Her ___________ in the face of adversity inspired those around her, demonstrating resilience and courage even in challenging circumstances.

a) fortitude
b) aptitude
c) certitude
d) gratitude

Answer: a)

4. The _________ of completing the project on time fell on the shoulders of the project manager, who had to ensure that all tasks were executed efficiently and deadlines met.

a) bonus
b) onus
c) onerous
d) ominous

Answer: b)

5. The unjust decision of the referee to award a questionable penalty ________ the players and fans alike, sparking outrage and frustration throughout the stadium.

a) dubious
b) debilitated
c) perpetrated
d) infuriated 

Answer: d)

6. With an undefeated record and unparalleled skill, the champion boxer appeared __________ in the ring, striking fear into the hearts of potential opponents.

a) comprehensible
b) invincible
c) tenacious
d) tenable

Answer: b)

7. The powerful explosion threatened to ___________ the entire structure, leaving behind only remnants of what was once a bustling city block.

a) vindicate
b) obliterate
c) flabbergast
d) behest

Answer: b)

8. As she lifted the heavy box, she felt a sudden _______ in her lower back, a brief but sharp pain that made her pause and reconsider her approach to lifting.

a) twinge
b) cringe
c) brink
d) ferment

Answer: a)

9. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the project's outcome, the team approached their tasks with a sense of __________, confident in their abilities to overcome challenges and deliver successful results.

a) myriad
b) certitude
c) rendition
d) opossum

Answer: b)

10. The company implemented new policies to ensure _________ with industry regulations, emphasising the importance of adhering to ethical standards in all business practices.

a) compliance
b) longevity
c) aversion
d) reverie

Answer: a)

11. The company implemented new policies to ensure _________ with industry regulations, emphasising the importance of adhering to ethical standards in all business practices.

a) compliance
b) longevity
c) aversion
d) reverie

Answer: a)

12. John meticulously planned his _________, including booking flights, arranging accommodations, and creating a detailed itinerary for sightseeing.

a) excursion
b) itinerary
c) sojourn
d) detour

Answer: b)

13. The travellers were excited to explore the _________ town nestled among the hills, known for its picturesque landscapes and charming architecture.

a) bustling
b) urban
c) serene
d) remote

Answer: d)

14. Despite encountering a few setbacks during their journey, the group maintained a sense of _________ and continued their adventure with optimism.

a) resilience
b) adversity
c) stagnation
d) reticence

Answer: a)

15. The tour guide provided fascinating insights into the rich cultural _________ of the region, highlighting its traditions, customs, and folklore.

a) heritage
b) commodity
c) detriment
d) solitude

Answer: a)

16. After a long day of exploring the ancient ruins, Shelly’s family returned to their _________ to rest and rejuvenate before the next day's adventures.

a) homestead
b) sojourn
c) lodging
d) sanctuary

Answer: c)

17. The breathtaking view from the mountaintop _________ the travellers, leaving them in awe of nature's beauty and grandeur.

a) confounded
b) enthralled
c) deterred
d) stagnated

Answer: b)

18. Alice’s mother always carries a reliable map to help _________ unfamiliar terrain and find their way to their desired destination.

a) navigate
b) stagnate
c) expedite
d) detour

Answer: a)

19. The group embarked on an exciting _________ through the dense jungle, eagerly anticipating encounters with exotic wildlife and hidden waterfalls.

a) retreat
b) expedition
c) diversion
d) hiatus

Answer: b)

20. Before embarking on their trip, the travellers purchased travel insurance to provide financial _________ in case of unforeseen emergencies or disruptions.

a) solace
b) resource
c) turmoil
d) recourse

Answer: d)

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