Worksheet on Living and Non-living Things

Questions with Explanations for Class KG on Living and Non-living Things

Solved Questions on Living and Non-living Things

1. Identify which of these can think, feel, and move.

a) living-things0-q1a
b) living-things0-q1b

Answer: b) A lion can think, feel, and move.

2. State true or false:

Rain is a natural living thing.


a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False, rain is not a natural living thing.

3. Select the correct category for the objects shown in the picture.


a) Living thing
b) Natural non-living thing

Answer: a) Both plants and trees are living things.

4. Which of these is not alive but helps us see in the dark?

a) living-things0-q4a
b) living-things0-q4b

Answer: b) The Moon is not alive but helps us see in the dark.

5. Which of these is made by humans and can help us write and draw?

a) living-things0-q5a
b) living-things0-q5b

Answer: a) Pencils are made by humans and can help us write and draw.


1. How can we identify living things?

Living things have particular characteristics, such as the ability to move independently, develop and change over time, collect and use energy, and reproduce to generate new individuals of the same species.

2. What are some examples of living things we see every day?

Every day, we observe trees, flowers, birds, dogs, cats, insects, and humans. These species show a variety of life processes and behaviours that set them apart from lifeless things.

3. How can we differentiate between living and non-living things?

Living things have life processes including development, movement, reproduction, and response to stimuli, but non-living objects don't. Living things require energy to carry out life processes, but non-living entities lack metabolic activity.

4. What role do living things play in the environment?

Living things play vital roles in ecosystems by contributing to food chains, oxygen production, nutrient cycling, pollination, and habitat creation. They interact with non-living factors to maintain balance and stability in natural environments.

5. How can we take care of living things around us?

We can take care of living things by providing them with food, water, shelter, and suitable habitats. We can also protect them from harm, conserve their natural habitats, and avoid activities that threaten their survival.

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