Worksheet on Myself, My food and My Clothes

Questions with Explanations for Class KG on Myself, My Food and My Clothes

Solved Questions on Myself, My Food, and My Clothes

1. What's a healthy breakfast choice?

a) myself0-q1a
b) myself0-q1b

Answer: b) Cereal is a healthy breakfast choice.

2. What do you put on your feet when it's raining?

a) myself0-q2a
b) myself0-q2b

Answer: a) You put on rain boots on your feet when it's raining.

3. Identify the object stated in the following sentence:

I like watching birds fly.

a) myself0-q3a
b) myself0-q3b

Answer: a) The object being referred to is a bird.

4. State True or False:

Introducing yourself means telling someone about your favourite toy.


a) True
b) False

Answer: b) Introducing yourself means telling someone your name and a bit about you, not about your favourite toy.

5. Identify what grows on a tree and is a fruit.

a) myself0-q5a
b) myself0-q5b

Answer: a) Apple is a fruit that grows on a tree.


1. Why is it important to eat healthy food?

Eating healthy meals boosts your body and provides the energy to play and learn. Fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy foods are all necessary for the body to function properly.

2. What are some examples of healthy foods?

Healthy foods include fruits like apples and bananas, veggies like carrots and broccoli, grains like rice and bread, proteins like chicken and beans, and dairy products like milk and yogurt.

3. How can I help choose my own clothes?

You can help choose your clothes by selecting colours and patterns that are attractive to you and putting on various sizes to find what feels most comfortable. It's enjoyable to pick clothes that make you feel joyful and confident!

4. Why is it important to keep our clothes clean?

Keeping our clothing clean allows us to stay healthy and smell fresh. Washing our clothing eliminates dirt, bacteria, and stains that may make us sick or uncomfortable.

5. What should I do if I spill something on my clothes?

It's alright to spill stuff on your clothing! You may tell an adult what took place, and they will help you clean it up. Stains can sometimes be removed with soap and water or by using specific stain removers.

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