Worksheet on Pollution

Questions with Explanations for Class KG on Pollution

Solved Questions on Pollution

1. What should we do with things like paper and bottles?

a) pollution0-q1a
b) pollution0-q1b

Answer: a) We should put them in special bins for recycling.

2. What kind of sound can disturb sleep and make people worried?

a) pollution0-q2a
b) pollution0-q2b

Answer: b) Loud sounds like horns and loudspeakers can disturb sleep and make people worried.

3. State true or false:

Using cars all the time is better for the air than using buses or trains.


a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False. Using cars all the time is not better for the air than using buses or trains.

4. What type of pollution is represented by the given image?


a) Water pollution
b) Air pollution

Answer: a) The given image represents water pollution.

5. What can we do to make the air cleaner and healthier to breathe?

a) pollution0-q5a
b) pollution0-q5b

Answer: a) To make the air cleaner and healthier to breathe, we can plant trees.


1. What are some examples of pollution?

Examples of pollution include:

  1. air pollution from vehicle emissions and factories
  2. water pollution from sewage and industrial waste
  3. soil pollution from pesticides and chemicals and
  4. Noise pollution from loud sounds and machinery.

2. How does pollution affect the environment?

By poisoning the air, water, and soil, upsetting ecosystems, endangering species, and accelerating climate change and global warming, pollution may have a negative impact on the environment.

3. Why is it important to keep our air clean?

Breathing and maintaining health depend on clean air. Allergies, respiratory disorders, and other health problems can be brought on by air pollution, particularly in young children and those who have asthma or other respiratory disorders.

4. What can we do to reduce air pollution?

By using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power, driving less and taking public transit or carpooling, planting trees and cutting back on waste, and advocating for laws that restrict emissions from industry and automobiles, we may lessen our impact on the environment.

5. What can we do to reduce water pollution?

By using eco-friendly goods, avoiding littering, saving water, correctly disposing of chemicals and waste, and supporting campaigns to clean up rivers, lakes, and seas, we can lessen the pollution that enters our waterways.

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