Worksheet on Common Noun

Questions on Common Noun

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

1. It was a mundane job for Smith and hardly evoked his interest.

a) common
b) proper
c) abstract
d) uncountable

Answer: a)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

2. The hospital which housed 1000 beds had the smell of sanitiser all around.

a) proper
b) common
c) abstract
d) material

Answer: b)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

3. Shelly’s laptop broke down this morning and needs repair.

a) material
b) proper
c) common
d) abstract

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

4. The teacher’s voice projected optimism and buoyancy.

a) material
b) proper
c) common
d) abstract

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

5. Jasper was listening to some old songs with grandpa on the radio when his friend Elvis walked in.

a) proper
b) common
c) abstract
d) material

Answer: b)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

6. Casper was the busiest waiter at the restaurant because of his politeness and mannerisms.

a) abstract
b) proper
c) common
d) uncountable

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

7. Jake sold many sandwiches on his food bike yesterday morning.

a) abstract
b) proper
c) common
d) uncountable

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

8. Have you seen my earphones anywhere?

a) abstract
b) proper
c) common
d) uncountable

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

9. Did he post grandma's letter or not?

a) abstract
b) proper
c) common
d) uncountable

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

10. His camera has a high-quality lens which can zoom in really microscopicly.

a) abstract
b) proper
c) common
d) uncountable

Answer: c)

11. Identify the common noun:

a) Atlantic Ocean
b) banana
c) Microsoft
d) Australia

Answer: b)

12. Identify the common noun in the given sentence:

The cat sat on the mat.

a) cat
b) sat
c) mat
d) both a and c

Answer: d)

13. Which of these is NOT a common noun?

a) car
b) dog
c) table
d) Amazon (the company)

Answer: d)

14. Identify the common noun:

a) google
b) teacher
c) Nile River
d) Japan

Answer: b)

15. Identify the common noun in the given sentence:

During the Renaissance, artists like Leonardo da Vinci created masterpieces.

a) Renaissance
b) artists
c) Leonardo da Vinci
d) masterpieces

Answer: b)

16. Identify the common noun in this sentence:

The committee decided to hold the annual gala at a prestigious venue.

a) committee
b) annual
c) gala
d) venue

Answer: a)

17. Identify the word which is NOT a common noun in the given sentence:

The scientist from Harvard conducted groundbreaking research.

a) scientist
b) Harvard
c) research
d) groundbreaking

Answer: b)

18. Identify the word which is NOT a common noun in the given sentence:

The chef at the restaurant prepared a delicious Italian dish.

a) chef
b) restaurant
c) Italian
d) dish

Answer: c)

19. Identify the word which is NOT a common noun in the given sentence:

The musician performed at Carnegie Hall last night.

a) musician
b) performed
c) Carnegie Hall
d) night

Answer: c)

20. Identify the word which is NOT a common noun in the given sentence:

The lecture on quantum physics was given by Professor Smith.

a) lecture
b) quantum
c) physics
d) Professor Smith

Answer: d)

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