Worksheet on Countable Noun

Questions on Countable Noun

Identify the countable noun/s in the given sentence:

1. He kept all his watches in the upper shelf of the almirah.

a) shelf
b) watches
c) almirah
d) all of these

Answer: b)

Identify the countable noun/s in the given sentence:

2. The child hugged its teddy bear tightly in fear.

a) child 
b) teddy bear
c) fear
d) both a and b

Answer: d)

Identify the countable noun/s in the given sentence:

3. Oscar forgot his football in the playground.

a) Oscar
b) football
c) playground
d) both b and c

Answer: d)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

4. The stress in the room was building up and everybody’s face reflected it.

a) countable
b) uncountable
c) abstract
d) material

Answer: a)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

5. Margarita brought the shuttlecocks on time as asked.

a) countable
b) uncountable
c) abstract
d) material

Answer: a)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

6. Some of the keys in the old typewriter kept in the museum are disfigured and need to be restored.

a) uncountable
b) abstract
c) countable
d) material

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

7. The mangoes were not yet ripe which is why they were sour.

a) uncountable
b) abstract
c) countable
d) material

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

8. She sprinkled some really strong spices in the rice.

a) uncountable
b) abstract
c) countable
d) both a and c

Answer: d)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

9. The pages in these old books have not only turned yellowish but also fragile.

a) uncountable
b) abstract
c) countable
d) material

Answer: c)

Identify the type of noun for the highlighted word:

10. We don’t have enough clues to locate our lost keys.

a) uncountable
b) abstract
c) countable
d) material

Answer: c)

11. How many countable nouns are in this sentence:

I saw a cat, two dogs, and a bird in the park.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: c)

12. Identify the countable nouns in the given sentence:

The library has many books and magazines.

a) library
b) books
c) magazines
d) all of these

Answer: d)

13. Identify the countable nouns in the given sentence:

They visited three countries during their vacation.

a) countries
b) vacation
c) visited
d) all of these

Answer: a)

14. Identify the countable nouns in the given sentence:

Scarlet gave her friend a birthday gift.

a) friend
b) birthday
c) gift
d) both a and c

Answer: d)

15. How many countable nouns are in this sentence:

During the summer vacation, we visited three different countries, explored numerous museums, and took countless photos of beautiful landscapes and historic landmarks.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: d)

16. How many countable nouns are in this sentence:

In the library, I found a collection of ancient manuscripts, several volumes of scientific journals, and a wide range of novels spanning different genres and time periods.

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

Answer: b)

17. How many countable nouns are in this sentence:

On our hiking trip, we encountered several species of birds, saw a family of deer, crossed a few streams, and enjoyed breathtaking views from the mountain peaks.

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

Answer: c)

18. How many countable nouns are in this sentence:

The conference featured keynote speakers from various industries, multiple panel discussions on current trends, and numerous networking opportunities for professionals.

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

Answer: b)

19. Identify the countable nouns in the given sentence:

During the weekend trip, we visited several historic sites, took numerous photographs, and collected souvenirs from different shops.

a) trip
b) photographs
c) souvenirs
d) all of these

Answer: d)

20. Identify the countable nouns in the given sentence:

The art gallery displayed a variety of paintings, sculptures, and photographs, each telling a unique story.

a) paintings
b) sculptures
c) photographs
d) all of these

Answer: d)

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