Worksheet on Distributive Pronoun

Questions on Distributive Pronoun

Fill in the blanks with the correct distributive pronouns:

1. ________ of the accusations against the janitor were found true.

a) Either
b) Neither
c) Each
d) Every

Answer: b)

2. Eventually, _______ of the hypotheses could be proved.

a) any
b) none
c) either
d) no one

Answer: b)

3. ________ Stacy or Jasper will be your partner in the next activity.

a) Either
b) Neither
c) Both
d) None

Answer: a)

4. You can _______ use a black pilot pen or a black gel pen to darken the circles in the OMR sheet.

a) neither
b) either
c) both
d) any

Answer: b)

5. ________ of the visitors cared to close the door after them. 

a) Neither
b) Either
c) None
d) Anyone

Answer: c)

6. _________ person was actively involved in the engaging activity.

a) Every
b) Neither
c) Either
d) None

Answer: a)

7. ______ member of the club was given a responsibility.

a) Every
b) Each
c) Either
d) Neither

Answer: b)

8. No need to worry. We _____ did our best performance.

a) every
b) each
c) all
d) none

Answer: c)

9. Has _________ seen my geography notebook anywhere?

a) each
b) every
c) anyone
d) everyone

Answer: c)

10. _______ club member brought their dish for the potluck as per the plan.

a) Each
b) Neither
c) Either
d) An

Answer: a)

11. ________ of the two project proposals were deemed feasible after a thorough evaluation by the committee.

a) Every
b) Either
c) Neither
d) Each

Answer: c)

12. The professor made it clear that ________ student must submit their term paper by the deadline if they wanted to pass the course.

a) either
b) neither
c) each
d) every

Answer: d)

13. ________ of the participants was asked to provide a detailed report on their findings after the research study concluded.

a) Every
b) Each
c) Neither
d) Either

Answer: b)

14. The restaurant offered a special deal where customers could choose ________ an appetizer or a dessert with their main course.

a) either
b) each
c) every
d) neither

Answer: a)

15. After reviewing the evidence, the jury found that ________ of the testimonies provided any substantial proof of the defendant's guilt.

a) each
b) every
c) neither
d) either

Answer: c)

16. The teacher insisted that ________ student in the class had a unique perspective that contributed to the discussion.

a) neither
b) either
c) each
d) every

Answer: d)

17. After carefully examining all the evidence, the investigator concluded that ________ of the suspects had a strong alibi at the time of the crime.

a) either
b) neither
c) each
d) every

Answer: b)

18. The manager ensured that ________ of the team members received the necessary resources to complete their assigned tasks efficiently.

a) every
b) either
c) each
d) neither

Answer: c)

19. The conference offered various workshops, and participants could choose to attend ________ the morning session or the afternoon session based on their interests.

a) each
b) either
c) neither
d) Every

Answer: b)

20. ________ of the solutions presented at the meeting addressed the core issues of the project, leading to a productive discussion.

a) Each
b) Neither
c) Every
d) Either

Answer: a)

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