Worksheet on Exponents

Worksheet of Exponents

Solved Questions of Exponents

1. Simplify: (34)3 ÷ (32)5

a) 32
b) 35
c) 36
d) 311

Answer: a) 32

Explanation: When raising an exponent to another exponent, you multiply the exponents.

So, (34)3 ÷ (32)5
= 3(4x3) ÷ 3(2x5)
= 312 ÷ 310
= 312 - 10
= 32

2. Simplify: (53 x 62)2 ÷ (24 x 32)3

a) 212 x 56 ÷ 36
b) 212 x 36 ÷ 56
c) 56 x 2-8 x 3-2
d) 212 x 64 x 56

Answer: c) 56 x 2-8 x 3-2

Explanation: First simplify the exponents inside the parentheses:
(53 x 62)2 ÷ (24 x 32)3
= 56 x 64 ÷ (212 x 36)
= 56 x 24 x 34 x 2-12 x 3-6
= 56 x 24-12 x 34-6
= 56 x 2-8 x 3-2

3. Simplify: (82 x 2-3)-2 x 43

a) 213
b) 211
c) 2-1
d) 1

Answer: d) 1

Explanation: First simplify the exponents inside the parentheses. Then, simplify the expression outside the parentheses:
(82 x 2-3)-2 x 43
= (64 x 1/8)-2 x 64
= (8)-2 x 64
= (1/64) x 64

4. What is the product of 32, 33 and 34?

a) 327
b) 39
c) 36
d) 354

Answer: b) 39

Explanation: When multiplying exponents with the same base, you add the exponents.
So, 32 x 33 x 34 = 3(2+3+4) = 39

5. What is the quotient of 68/619?

a) 6-11
b) 6-8
c) 60
d) 62

Answer: a) 6-11

Explanation: When dividing exponents with the same base, you subtract the exponents.

So, 68 ÷ 619 = 6(8 -19)
= 6-11

Practice Questions of Exponents

1. What is the product of 53 and 54?

a) 57
b) 512
c) 524
d) 534

Answer: a) 57

2. What is the quotient of 27 and 23?

a) 24
b) 210
c) 221
d) 243

Answer: a) 24

3. Evaluate: (43)5?

a) 48
b) 412
c) 415
d) 460

Answer: c) 415

4. Simplify: (4x3y4)2 ÷ (2xy2)3

a) 16x3y2
b) 2x3y2
c) 2y3
d) 8xy

Answer: b) 2x3y2

5. What is (2 x 106)3 expressed in scientific notation?

a) 8 x 1018
b) 8 x 1020
c) 8 x 1021
d) 8 x 1024

Answer: a) 8 x 1018

6. Simplify: (53 x 7-2)-2

a) 76 + 56
b) 56 x 36
c) 74 ÷ 56
d) 73 x 56

Answer: c) 74 ÷ 56

7. What is 5.7 x 108 + 2.4 x 107 expressed in scientific notation?

a) 6.05 x 108
b) 6.02 x 107
c) 5.94 x 108
d) 5.98 x 107

Answer: c) 5.94 x 108

8. What is (6 x 105) ÷ (3 x 103) expressed in scientific notation?

a) 2 x 102
b) 2 x 103
c) 2 x 104
d) 2 x 105

Answer: a) 2 x 102

9. What is 2.5 x 104 x 1.2 x 105 expressed in scientific notation?

a) 1.45 x 105
b) 1.45 x 106
c) 1.45 x 107
d) 1.45 x 108

Answer: a) 3.0 x 109

10. Simplify: (2x2y)3 ÷ (8x3y1)2

a) y7/16
b) 4x2y5
c) 4x5y3
d) y/8

Answer: d) y/8

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