Worksheet on Interrogative Pronoun

Questions on Interrogative Pronoun

Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun:

1. ______ do you want to be when you grow up?

a) Who
b) Why
c) When
d) Whose

Answer: a)

2. ______ can you be so sure that he has taken your assignment?

a) When
b) Why
c) Where
d) How

Answer: d)

3. Can you please suggest ____ can be done in this regard?

a) When
b) Why
c) Whom
d) What

Answer: d)

4. ______ are we leaving for Paris?

a) When
b) What
c) Who
d) Whom

Answer: a)

5. ______ things are at stake, can you recall them for my sake?

a) Which
b) When
c) Why
d) How

Answer: a)

6. _______ is representing our team in the tournament.

a) When
b) Whom
c) Who
d) why

Answer: c)

7. By _____ can I expect your arrival?

a) What
b) When
c) Where
d) Why

Answer: b)

8. ______ is the time by your watch?

a) What
b) When
c) Why
d) How

Answer: a)

9. By _____ was this question answered?

a) who
b) whom
c) what
d) which

Answer: b)

10. _____ is your favourite colour?

a) When
b) Whom
c) Who
d) Which

Answer: d)

11. ______ of these books did you enjoy the most?

a) Whom
b) What
c) Which
d) Whose

Answer: c)

12. Your dream of becoming a doctor or a teacher. ________ do you want to be when you grow up?

a) Who
b) Why
c) When
d) What

Answer: d)

13. Every Friday, we have a movie night. ________ kind of movie would you like to watch this week?

a) Which
b) When
c) Whose
d) Who

Answer: a)

14. The phone keeps ringing! ________ is it?

a) What
b) When
c) Who
d) Whose

Answer: d)

15. We're planning a trip to Europe. ________ do you prefer to go?

a) Which
b) When
c) Whose
d) What

Answer: b)

16. There are three different flavours of ice cream in the freezer. ________ flavour would you like to try?

a) What
b) When
c) Who
d) Which

Answer: d)

17. We need to buy a new lamp for the living room. ________ style do you think would look best?

a) What
b) Which
c) Who
d) Whose

Answer: b)

18. The instructions seem a little confusing. ________ step are we on?

a) Whose
b) What
c) Who
d) Which

Answer: d)

19. I found a wallet on the sidewalk. ________ is the owner?

a) What
b) Which
c) Who
d) Whose

Answer: c)

20. We're going to a new restaurant tonight. ________ cuisine do they serve?

a) Which
b) What
c) Who
d) Whose

Answer: a)

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