Worksheet on Plural Pronoun

Questions on Plural Pronoun

Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns:

1. I was introduced to Ben who is ______ new intern. 

a) ours
b) our
c) we
d) us

Answer: b)

2. They haven’t invited _____ to the party so we shouldn’t go.

a) us
b) we
c) our
d) ours

Answer: a)

3. Leo is my new pet dog and it is liked by our neighbours because it is very friendly with ______.

a) theirs
b) their
c) them
d) we

Answer: c)

4. Casper dislikes the pesky mosquitoes as _____ are very annoying.

a) them
b) theirs
c) ours
d) they

Answer: d)

5. They have spoken their bit and now it is ______ turn to put our views forward.

a) our
b) ours
c) us
d) we

Answer: a)

6. Mia often forgets her glasses at home. She should keep _____ with her in her bag.

a) them
b) theirs
c) us
d) our

Answer: a)

7. The experts shared ______ views openly in the forum which triggered very lively discussion.

a) them
b) their
c) theirs
d) us

Answer: b)

8. Trisha kept all of _____ waiting for almost half an hour.

a) us
b) we
c) our
d) ours

Answer: a)

9. Maria watered the plants. She truly has a green thumb and often speaks to ____.

a) them
b) theirs
c) their
d) us

Answer: a)

10. Robert is a sincere boy who takes his teachers’ advice seriously. He respects all of ____.

a) theirs
b) us
c) we
d) them

Answer: d)

11. The teachers were impressed with the students because ______ had all completed ______ assignments on time.

a) they, their
b) them, their
c) their, they
d) we, us

Answer: a)

12. During the meeting, the managers discussed ______ plans for the upcoming project.

a) them
b) theirs
c) they
d) their

Answer: d)

13. The committee members were very pleased with the results of the survey because ______ indicated a high level of satisfaction among the participants.

a) they
b) their
c) theirs
d) them

Answer: a)

14. When the students realised that the library would be closing early, ______ quickly gathered all of ______ belongings and headed out.

a) them, theirs
b) they, their
c) they, theirs
d) them, their

Answer: b)

15. During the annual company picnic, the employees and ______ families enjoyed various games and activities organised by the event planning team.

a) them
b) theirs
c) their
d) they

Answer: c)

16. Although the hikers were exhausted after a long day on the trail, ______ spirits were lifted by the breathtaking view from the mountain summit.

a) them
b) their
c) they
d) theirs

Answer: b)

17. The researchers presented ______ findings at the international conference, where ______ work was well-received by experts in the field.

a) they, them
b) their, theirs
c) theirs, their
d) their, their

Answer: d)

18. When the players heard the coach’s motivational speech, ______ felt inspired and ready to give their best performance in the upcoming game.

a) them
b) their
c) they
d) theirs

Answer: c)

19. The tourists and ______ guides explored the ancient ruins, where ______ knowledge of history impressed everyone in the group.

a) they, their
b) them, their
c) theirs, their
d) their, theirs

Answer: b)

20. _____ are excited about the upcoming vacation.

a) Us
b) We
c) Our
d) Ours

Answer: b)

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