Worksheet on Questions on Simplification

Worksheet on Simplification

Solved Questions on Simplification

1. Simplify:


a) 5/4
b) 25/7
c) 51/18
d) 100/7

Answer: b) 25/7

Explanation: According to PEMDAS, you should perform multiplication and division (from left to right) before addition and subtraction.
= {(5/2)2 x [8/3 ÷ (4/5 + 6/5) × 3/7]}
= {(25/4 x [8/3 ÷ (10/5) × 3/7]}
= {25/4 x [8/3 x 1/2 × 3/7]}
= {25/4 x [4/3 × 3/7]}
= {25/4 x 4/7}
= 25/7

2. Simplify:


a) 8/2
b) 11/2
c) 13/2
d) 15/2

Answer: c) 13/2

Explanation: According to PEMDAS, you should perform multiplication and division (from left to right) before addition and subtraction.
= {5 + [√ (8 ÷ 2 + 32) × 1/4]}
= {5 + [√ (4 + 32) × 1/4]}
= {5 + [√ 36 × 1/4]}
= {5 + [6 × 1/4]}
= {5 + 3/2}
= 13/2

3. Simplify:


a) 1267/8
b) 2391/8
c) 2629/8
d) 3415/8

Answer: d) 3415/8

Explanation: According to PEMDAS, you should perform multiplication and division (from left to right) before addition and subtraction.
= [(15/6 ÷ 5/24) × 25 + (7/2)3]
= [(15/6 x 24/5) × 25 + (7/2)3]
= [12 × 25 + 343/8]
= [12 x 32 + 343/8]
= 384 + 343/8
= 3415/8 

4. Simplify:


a) 2/7
b) 3/7
c) 4/7
d) 5/7

Answer: c) 4/7

Explanation: According to PEMDAS, you should perform calculations inside parentheses first, followed by multiplication and division (from left to right), and finally addition and subtraction (from left to right).
= {4/7 × [(3/2 + 5/2) - 6 ÷ 2]}
= {4/7 × [(8/2) - 6 ÷ 2]}
= {4/7 × [4 - 3]}
= 4/7

5. Simplify:


a) 1/6
b) 1/8
c) 4/24
d) 15/8

Answer: a) 1/6

Explanation: According to PEMDAS, you should perform multiplication and division (from left to right) before addition and subtraction.
{[12/9 ÷ (4/6 + 16/3 – 5)] x √ (1/64)}
= {[4/3 ÷ (2/3 + 16/3 – 5)] x 1/8}
= {[4/3 ÷ 3/3] x 1/8}
= 4/3 x 1/8
= 1/6

Practice Questions on Simplification

1. Simplify:


a) 36
b) 34
c) 26
d) 25

Answer: d) 25

2. Simplify:


a) -6/11
b) -7/11
c) -8/11
d) -9/11

Answer: a) -6/11

3. Simplify:


a) 61/45
b) 55/36
c) 43/11
d) 20/99

Answer: d) 20/99

4. Simplify:


a) 7/12
b) 10/12
c) 10/3
d) 16/3

Answer: c) 10/3

5. Simplify:


a) -121/9
b) -133/9
c) -143/9
d) -163/9

Answer: b) -133/9

6. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation?

15% of 49 = ?

a) 6.25
b) 7.10
c) 7.35
d) 8

Answer: c) 7.35

7. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation?

3/7 of 49/6 of 4/7 = ?

a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

Answer: a) 2

8. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation?

(√2209 – 12) x 5 = ?

a) 175
b) 185
c) 200
d) 240

Answer: a) 175

9. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation?

38% of ? = 3596 – 632

a) 6200
b) 6450
c) 7800
d) 9000

Answer: c) 7800

10. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation?

2 x 256 x ? = 82 x 102 x 2

a) 20
b) 25
c) 40
d) 50

Answer: b) 25

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