Worksheet on Reflexive Pronoun

Questions on Reflexive Pronoun

Fill in the blanks with the correct option:

1. She murmured to _______ something softly.

a) herself
b) himself
c) hisself
d) themselves

Answer: a)

2. She kept challenging _______ to rise to the next level of difficulties.

a) himself
b) herself 
c) himself
d) themselves

Answer: b)

Replace the wrong pronoun with the right one:

3. Rebecca bought himself a gym membership.

a) hisself
b) themselves
c) herself
d) yourself

Answer: c)

4. Leo hurt itself during the basketball practice.

a) herself
b) himself
c) themselves
d) myself

Answer: b)

5. Davis prepared yourself a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich.

a) himself
b) herself
c) itself
d) themself

Answer: a)

Identify the type of pronoun for the highlighted word:

6. She praised herself for the wonderful performance.

a) emphatic
b) reflexive
c) relative
d) personal

Answer: b)

7. She blamed herself for the team’s failure.

a) reflexive
b) intensive
c) personal
d) relative

Answer: a)

8. She swiftly wrapped herself in a shawl to stay away from the cold icy breeze.

a) reflexive
b) intensive
c) personal
d) relative

Answer: a)

9. Kate managed herself well even in the most unfavourable circumstances.

a) intensive
b) personal
c) reflexive
d) relative

Answer: c)

10. She gifted herself a costly watch for her latest achievement.

a) relative
b) personal
c) emphatic
d) reflexive

Answer: d)

Fill in the blanks with the correct options:

11. Jack always prepares _______ for the big presentations.

a) himself
b) herself
c) themselves
d) itself

Answer: a)

12. The kids made _______ breakfast this morning.

a) herself
b) himself
c) themselves
d) yourself

Answer: c)

13. I found _______ lost in thought during the lecture.

a) yourself
b) myself
c) herself
d) itself

Answer: b)

14. The dog managed to free _______ from the leash.

a) yourself
b) himself
c) itself
d) herself

Answer: c)

15. Shelly encouraged _______ to keep trying despite the difficulties.

a) himself
b) herself
c) yourself
d) itself

Answer: b)

Identify the type of pronoun for the highlighted words:

16. He found himself in a tricky situation.

a) relative
b) personal
c) emphatic
d) reflexive

Answer: d)

17. They invited themselves to the party.

a) reflexive
b) personal
c) emphatic
d) relative

Answer: a)

18. Scarlet made the dress herself.

a) relative
b) reflexive
c) emphatic
d) personal

Answer: b)

19. You should be proud of yourself.

a) relative
b) personal
c) emphatic
d) reflexive

Answer: d)

20. Myra’s kitten groomed itself after the meal.

a) relative
b) personal
c) reflexive
d) emphatic

Answer: c)

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