Worksheet on Sources of Water

Questions for Practice on Water Sources

1. In the story, Emma, Oliver, and Lily asked Grandpa where water comes from. What did Grandpa say was the source of water?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: d

Explanation: Grandpa told kids that raindrops are the sources of water which come from the sky and fall on the earth.

2. What happens to the raindrops after falling from the sky?


a) They vanish
b) They become a part of the rivers, streams and other water sources
c) They turn into sand
d) All the water gets soaked by the land

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Answer: b) They become a part of the rivers, streams and other water sources

Explanation: After falling from the sky raindrops combine with rivers, streams, lakes and other water sources and fill them with water.

3. In the story Lily named the animal which lives in the river. Among the given four animals which animal considers rivers as their home?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: c

Explanation: Water is the home of fish. Thus, they are found in different water sources like rivers.

4. In the story, we learn the names of different water sources. Can you tell which among the following is not a water source?

a) Lake

b) Clouds

c) River

d) Waterfall

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Answer: b) Clouds

Explanation: Clouds are not a water source. Rivers, lakes, and waterfalls all provide us with water as we read in the story.

5. Apart from ducks which of the the following animals loves to live in lakes?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: a

Explanation:  Like ducks frogs also love the peaceful water of lakes.

6. What did Grandpa tell the kids when Emma asked about the difference between the rivers and the lakes?

a) Rivers are generally large
b) Lakes are dirtier than rivers
c) Rivers are joined to the ocean at some point while lakes are surrounded by land
d) Lakes are filled with more water

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Answer: c) Rivers are joined to the ocean at some point while lakes are surrounded by land

Explanation: The basic difference between lakes and rivers is that rivers combine with an ocean or a larger water source while lakes do not.

7. Out of the following water sources, which one is called a well?

a) image

b) image

c) image

d) image

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Answer: d

Explanation: A well is created by digging in the ground to access the water. The water out of the well is drawn out by a pump or using buckets.

8. What is our responsibility towards the precious water sources on earth?

a) To fill them with water daily
b) To protect them from getting dirtier
c) To put litter in them
d) To bathe in them

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Answer: b) To protect them from getting dirtier

Explanation: It is our duty to use our water sources carefully and protect them from getting dirty and unclean.

9. Which of the following is a bad habit that we should avoid in order to save our water sources?

a) Not turning off taps while brushing

b) Bathing quickly in a short time

c) Repairing leaky taps

d) Using less water while washing clothes

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Answer: a) Not turning off taps while brushing

Explanation: It's a bad habit not to turn off taps while brushing the teeth and keeping them open when we don't need water as it leads to water wastage.

10. Which of the following is the largest source of water?

a) Ocean

b) Well

c) Rains

d) River

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Answer: a) Ocean

Explanation: The Ocean is the biggest source of water among all other sources of water.

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