Food - Class 2 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Food - Sub Topics

  • Food
  • Food Obtained from Plants
  • Food Obtained from Animals
  • Different Types of Food
  • Balance Diet
  • Food Pyramid
  • Solved Questions on Food
  • Food

    a) Food is something we all need to live and grow.
    b) It's like fuel that gives us the energy to do things like playing and working.
    c) Eating food also helps make our bones and teeth strong and keeps us healthy by protecting us from getting sick.

    Food Obtained from Plants

    a) Plants give us lots of different kinds of food.
    b) We eat things like fruits, vegetables, and cereals that come from plants.
    c) We eat roots like carrots, potatoes, and onions.
    d) Flowers from plants like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are also good to eat.
    e) Nuts and seeds like corn, beans, rice, pistachios, and cashews are yummy and healthy too.
    f) We can also eat leaves like lettuce, spinach, and bok choy.
    g) And of course, we enjoy delicious fruits like oranges, apples, and tomatoes that come from plants too.

    Types of food obtained from plants

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    Food Obtained from Animals

    a) One of the main sources of food from animals is meat. When we eat chicken, beef, or pork, we are eating the muscles of these animals.
    b) Animals like cows and goats give us milk. We can drink milk on its own or use it to make other yummy things like cheese and yoghurt.
    c) Eggs are another food that comes from animals. Hens lay eggs, and we can eat them.
    d) Fish and seafood are also delicious and nutritious foods from animals.
    e) Some animals, like bees, provide us with honey. Honey is a sweet and sticky treat that we can use in many different foods and drinks.

    Types of food obtained from animals

    Different Types of Food

    When we're hungry, we eat food to satisfy our hunger. There are different types of food that our bodies need to stay healthy. We can divide our food into three main groups.

    Energy Giving Food

    a) Energy-giving food gives us the energy we need to do all sorts of things, like playing, studying, and even just going about our daily activities.
    b) These foods also help keep our bodies warm and give us the fuel to keep going throughout the day.
    c) So, they're like our body's battery charger.
    d) Carbohydrates and Fats are included in energy giving food.
    e) Examples of energy-giving food are rice, sugar, bread, oil, potatoes, and butter.

    Different types of Energy giving food:

    Food Group Examples of Energy-Giving Foods
    Grains Bread, rice, pasta, oatmeal
    Fruits Bananas, apples, oranges
    Vegetables Carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes
    Dairy Products Milk, cheese, yogurt
    Protein Foods Chicken, fish, beans, eggs
    Nuts and Seeds Almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds

    Pictures of Energy giving foods

    Body-Building Food

    a) Body-building food helps our bodies to grow bigger and stronger.
    b) These special foods are like the building blocks for our bones and muscles.
    c) When we eat these foods, they provide the important stuff our body needs to become healthy and grow properly.
    d) Proteins are a part of body-building food.
    e) Examples of body-building food foods are eggs, milk, cottage cheese, fish, meat, and pulses.

    Different types of body building food

    Protective Food

    a) There's another group of food that is super important for keeping us healthy. It's called "Protective Food."
    b) Fruits and vegetables belong to this group.
    c) These amazing foods protect our bodies from getting sick.
    d) They have vitamins and minerals that boost our immune system and help us fight off diseases.
    e) They are like our body's shield against germs and illnesses.

    Examples of Protective food

    Balanced Diet

    a) When we talk about the food we eat during a specific time, it's called a diet.
    b) To stay healthy, it's important to have a balanced diet.
    c) A balanced diet means eating a variety of different foods from all three food groups in the right amounts.
    d) Think of a balanced diet as a special meal where you have a little bit of everything you need.
    e) Just like a balanced meal has different types of food to make us feel full and satisfied, a balanced diet includes foods from all three groups. It's like having a mix of energy-giving foods, body-building foods, and protective foods in the right proportions.
    f) When we eat a balanced diet, our body gets all the important things it needs to stay healthy and strong.

    Food Pyramid

    a) It's a special way to understand how to eat a healthy and balanced diet. It is a pyramid with different levels, and each level represents a group of foods that we should eat more or less of.
    b) At the bottom of the pyramid, we have the largest section, and it represents the foods we should eat the most. These are energy-giving foods like rice, bread, pasta, and potatoes.
    c) Next, we have the section for protective foods, which are fruits and vegetables.
    d) Moving up the pyramid, we come to the next level, which represents body-building foods. These include foods like meat, fish, eggs, milk, and pulses.
    e) Lastly, at the very top of the pyramid, we have a small section for foods that we should eat sparely. These are foods that are high in fats, sugars, and oils, like sweets, chocolates, and fried snacks.

    Healthy food pyramid

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