Worksheet on Properties of Air and Air Pollution - Class 2 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Solved Questions on Components and Properties of Air and Air Pollution

1. How does air help the following objects to fly?

a) Air provides a lift for things to fly.
b) Air pushes things forward.
c) Air creates pressure.
d) Air makes things lighter in weight.

Answer: a) Air provides a lift for things such as birds and planes to fly.

2. Which of the following activities will not help in reducing air pollution?

a) air-components2-q2a
b) air-components2-q2b
c) air-components2-q2c
d) air-components2-q2d

Answer:  d) Cars release pollution into the air.

3. Look at the following picture. Which property of air does it prove?


a) Air helps things take on different shapes
b) Air is essential for burning
c) Air has weight
d) Air is colourless

Answer: b) Air is necessary to make fire.

4. Which of the following activities does not need air?

a) air-components2-q4a
b) air-components2-q4b
c) air-components2-q4c
d) air-components2-q4d

Answer: a) Reading does not require air.

5. Which of the following is a recommended item to wear for protection against air pollution?

a) air-components2-q5a
b) air-components2-q5b
c) air-components2-q5c
d) air-components2-q5d

Answer: c) Wearing masks can protect us from breathing in polluted air.


1. What is air made of, and why is it important?

Air is made up of gases like oxygen, nitrogen, and tiny particles. It's important because we breathe it to live and stay healthy.

2. What are the properties of air?

Air has properties like it takes up space, has weight (even though we can't see it), and can be compressed (pressed together).

3. What are some signs of air pollution?

Breathing difficulties, unpleasant smells, and hazy or smoky skies are all indicators of air pollution. It can damage animals and plants as well.

4. What can we do to help prevent air pollution?

We can help prevent air pollution by using less energy, recycling, and not littering. Planting trees and using clean fuels also helps.

5. What are the characteristics of air?

Air has some interesting characteristics that make it important for us and the world around us:

  1. Invisible: Air is all around us, but we can't see it. It's invisible, which means we can't see it like we can see water or toys.
  2. Takes up Space: Even though we can't see air, it takes up space. When we blow up a balloon, we fill it with air, and that's what makes the balloon get bigger.
  3. Has Weight: Air might not feel heavy, but it does have weight. It's the reason why things like kites can float in the sky when the wind blows.
  4. Made of Gases: Air is made up of different gases, like oxygen and nitrogen. We need oxygen from the air to breathe and stay alive.
  5. Can Move: Air can move around. When the wind blows, it's the air that's moving. That's why we feel a breeze on a windy day.
  6. Can Change Temperature: Air can be warm or cold. When the sun shines, it can make the air warm, and on a chilly day, the air can be cold.
  7. Important for Living Things: We need air to breathe. It helps us get the oxygen our bodies need to stay alive and gives us the air we breathe in and out.

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