Worksheet on Water and Water Cycle - Class 2 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 2 on Water & Water Cycle

1. Which of the following activities can help make unsafe water drinkable?

a) Boiling the water
b) Adding salt to the water
c) Filtering the water with a sieve
d) Painting the water blue

Answer: a) Boiling helps to kill the germs that might be in the water. It's an easy way to make sure the water is clean before we drink it.

2. Study the following image and identify X.


a) Melt
b) Evaporate
c) Solidify
d) Condense

Answer: b) Water upon heating evaporates to form steam.

3. Which of the following activities do not need water?

a) water2-q3a
b) water2-q3b
c) water2-q3c
d) water2-q3d

Answer: d) Water is not needed for drawing/sketching.

4. Name the process depicted in the picture.


a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Precipitation

Answer: d) Precipitation is when water in the sky, in the form of tiny droplets or ice crystals, falls down to the ground.

5. Following statements were made by Frank and Abby during a conversation.

Frank: I like taking very long showers.
Abby: I water my garden plants with the water used to wash fruits and vegetables.

Which of them is conserving water?

a) Frank
b) Abby
c) Both Frank and Abby
d) Neither Frank nor Abby

Answer: b) Abby is conserving water by reusing it.

FAQs on Water Cycle

1. What is Water Cycle?

The water cycle describes the movement of water around the Earth. The sun causes water from rivers and oceans to evaporate and form small water drops in clouds. When the clouds get heavy, rain falls, and the water returns to rivers, lakes, and the land. It's like a giant circle where water rises, forms clouds, and then falls as rain.

2. What are different uses of water

Water is necessary, and we use it for a number of functions:

  1. Drinking
  2. Bathing
  3. Cooking
  4. Growing Plants
  5. Playing
  6. Cleaning
  7. Making Electricity

3. How does water get into the sky?

Water enters the atmosphere through a process of "evaporation." When the sun shines on water, it converts it into small water vapour particles that rise into the sky and form clouds.

4. What are clouds, and why are they important?

Clouds are puffy masses of water vapour in the sky. They're important because they supply rain. When the clouds get heavy with water, they release rainfall to the ground, allowing plants to flourish and animals to drink.

5. Why is it essential to save water?

Saving water is important because there is a limited amount of fresh water on Earth. We need to use it wisely to ensure there's enough for everyone and to protect our environment.

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