Worksheet on Earth and Universe - Class 2 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 2 on Earth and Universe

1. Identify the landform in the following picture.


a) Valleys
b) Mountains
c) Plains
d) Hills

Answer: d) Hills are higher than plains, and they usually have a pointed and rocky top.

2. Millie saw a cluster of stars forming a pattern in the sky as shown in the picture. Help her identify it.


a) It is a constellation called Leo.
b) These are meteors.
c) It is a group of comets.
d) It is a constellation called Ursa Major.

Answer: a) The stars shown in the picture form a constellation named Leo.

3. Which of the following is called the “Blue Planet”?

a) earth2-q3a
b) earth2-q3b
c) earth2-q3c
d) earth2-q3d

Answer: c) The Earth is called the "blue planet" because of the presence of water on its surface in the form of oceans and seas.

4. Which statement best describes the relationship between revolution and seasons?

a) Seasons occur randomly.
b) Revolution and seasons have no connection.
c) Seasons change due to the rotation of the Earth.
d) The Earth's revolution causes the changing of seasons.

Answer: d) The seasons change due to Earth’s revolution.

5. The celestial bodies are shown in the picture orbit around the sun. Identify them.


a) Meteors
b) Asteroids
c) Comets
d) Planets

Answer: b) Asteroids are large chunks of rocks that orbit around the Sun, mostly found between the planets Mars and Jupiter.

FAQs on Earth and Universe

1. What is Earth and Universe?

Earth - Our home planet is a place that provides us with everything we need - land, water and air. It is where we build our homes nurture trees and animals and live alongside beings. Positioned as the planet, from the Sun in our system Earth holds a unique significance, to all of us.

Universe - The Universe is everything! It's like a massive space with all the stars, planets, and galaxies. Our planet is a speck in the scheme of things. Consider the Universe to be a vast, black sky full with glittering stars and distant worlds.

2. What is Solar System?

The solar system is identical to our planet's family. It's made up of the Sun, which is a large, hot ball of light in the sky, as well as all of the planets that orbit it. The solar system that we live in has eight planets, one of which is Earth. The planets around the Sun in a circle, creating day and night. It's like a huge space party, with the Sun in the centre and the planets dancing all around it.

3. What is Planet?

A planet is a large ball of gas in space. It is like a separate natural world. We live on a single planet known as Earth. There are numerous additional planets, including Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

4. What is Solar System?

The solar system is made up of planets that revolve around the Sun. It's like a large space neighbourhood with the Sun in the centre, and Earth is one of the planets in this neighbourhood. There are also other planets, such as Mars and Jupiter. It is where we live and where each planet has its specific place.

5. What are some unique features of Earth?

Some unique features of Earth are:

Water Bodies: There is a lot of water on Earth in the form of seas, rivers, and lakes.

Different Seasons: There are four seasons on Earth: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. This differentiates our planet since it changes throughout the year.

Plants and Animals: There are numerous different species of plants and creatures on Earth, ranging from large elephants to small insects. It's like a massive shelter for all living things.

The Moon: The moon rounds the Earth. It can sometimes be seen in the night sky. It's our closest space neighbour.

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