Worksheet on Food We Eat - Class 3 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 3 on Food We Eat

1. Match the foods given in the picture with their respective food groups.


a) Carbohydrates and body-building foods
b) Proteins and energy-giving foods
c) Fats and energy-giving foods
d) Proteins and body-building foods

Answer: d) Fish, milk, and beans are good sources of protein, which makes them body-building food. It helps in building and repairing muscles.

2. Kate accidentally broke the bone in her arm. Her doctor suggested she should eat foods that make her bones strong. Which of the following food groups should she focus on?

a) Carbohydrates
b) Fats
c) Minerals
d) Fibre

Answer: c) Kate should eat mineral-rich food that can help in repairing and making her bones strong.

3. Which of the following is not essential for our body?

a) nutrition-food3-q3a
b) nutrition-food3-q3b
c) nutrition-food3-q3c
d) nutrition-food3-q3d

Answer: d) While rice, fruits, and water are considered essential components of a healthy diet due to their nutritional value and benefits, soda does not provide any essential nutrients to the body.

4. Dan attended his friend’s birthday party and ate the food items shown in the picture. Select the correct statement regarding the food he ate.


a) Pasta provides him with carbohydrates for energy.
b) Juice provides him with protein.
c) Fruit salad gives him carbohydrates for energy.
d) Pasta provides him with fats for energy.

Answer: a) Pasta is a carbohydrate that provides us with energy.

5. Match the following food groups with their respective functions.

Column I Column II
1) Vitamin A) They build and repair the damaged cells in our body.
2. Protein B) They protect us against diseases and keep us healthy and strong.
3. Carbohydrates C) They store energy and protect the body against cold.
4. Fat C) They provide us with the energy and protect the body against cold.

a) 1:D, 2:B, 3:C, 4:A
b) 1:B, 2:A, 3:D, 4:C
c) 1:A, 2:B, 3:C, 4:D
d) 1:B, 2:D, 3:C, 4:A

Answer: b) Vitamin: They protect us against diseases and keep us healthy and strong.
Protein: They build and repair the damaged cells in our body.
Carbohydrates: They provide us with energy to do various activities in our daily life.
Fat: They store energy and protect the body against cold.

FAQs on Food We Eat

1. Why is a well-balanced diet important?

A well-balanced diet ensures that we acquire all of the nutrients our bodies require to function effectively.

2. What are the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals, which help our bodies stay healthy and fight disease.

3. What is Body building food?

Bodybuilding foods are those that boost muscular strength and health. Protein-rich foods such as poultry and beans, dairy products, nuts, fruits, and vegetables are among them. These meals supply the energy and minerals required for muscular growth and activity.

4. Why is it important to drink water?

Water keeps our bodies hydrated and is required for many different functions.

5. What are Nutrients?

Nutrients are particular substances found in food that support our bodies in maintaining their wellness. Vitamins, minerals, carbs, proteins, and fatty acids are among them.

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