Worksheet on Soil - Class 3 Notes & Olympiad Questions

Questions with Explanations for Class 3 on Soil

1. Identify the soil layers A, B, and C in the following diagram.


a) A: Topsoil, B: Subsoil, C: Bedrock
b) A: Bedrock, B: Subsoil, C: Topsoil
c) A: Subsoil, B: Topsoil, C: Bedrock
d) A: Hummus, B: Topsoil, C: Subsoil

Answer: b) A: Bedrock, B: Subsoil, C: Topsoil

2. Roy wants to grow a plant that prefers well-drained soil. Which type of soil would be most suitable?

a) Sandy soil
b) Clayey soil
c) Loamy soil
d) Any type of soil can work

Answer: a) Sandy soil has good water drainage due to its porous nature, allowing excess water to move through it quickly.

3. Fill in the blank.

The main component of humus is ___.

a) rocks and minerals
b) sand particles
c) decayed plant and animal matter
d) clay particles

Answer: c) Humus is primarily composed of decayed plant and animal matter. It is formed through the decomposition of organic materials over time.

4. You conducted an experiment to test the water-holding capacity of different soil types. After pouring the same amount of water on sandy soil, clayey soil, and loamy soil, which soil type would likely have the most water remaining after some time?

a) Sandy soil
b) Clayey soil
c) Loamy soil
d) All soil types will have the same amount of water remaining

Answer: b) Clayey soil has smaller particles allowing it to hold more water compared to sandy soil or loamy soil.

5. Match the following:

Column I Column II
1. Loamy Soil A) Consists of very fine particles that stick together.
2. Sandy Soil B) Considered the best type of soil for plants.
3. Clayey Soil C) Allows water to pass through easily.

a) 1:B, 2:A, 3:C
b) 1:C, 2:A, 3:B
c) 1:A, 2:C, 3:B
d) 1:B, 2:C, 3:A

Answer: d) Laomy Soil: Considered the best type of soil for plants.
Sandy Soil: Allows water to pass through easily.
Clayey Soil: Consists of very fine particles that stick together.

FAQs on Soil

1. What is soil made up of?

Soil is composed of microscopic elements of rock, minerals, water, air, and organic things such as plants and animals.

2. Why is soil important for plants?

Soil provides important nutrients and a location for plants' roots to grow, allow them to obtain water and nourishment.

3. What are the different layers of soil?

Soil is divided into three layers: topsoil (where plants grow), subsoil (which has less nutrients), and bedrock (hard rock deep down).

4. What is soil erosion?

Soil erosion occurs when soil is carried away by wind or water, making it difficult for plants to develop.

5. What are the different types of soil layers?

The different types of soils layer are:

  1. Topsoil
  2. Subsoil
  3. Bedrock

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